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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Apply, relative to topics of our conversation--lest ye fail and be rickrolled.

  2. Aqua teens hunger force kicks ass! Nuff said. :devsmoke:

  3. Are you on SWTOR? I'm kinda mooching off roommate friend for som play but I am on bergeren server.

  4. Are you still free 2 play?

  5. ARGH! Dung beneath the rosebush? Ye wouldn't also happen to have ye a slingshot or some flingin' contraption of that sort?

  6. Art thou alive?

  7. As the senate majority leader I DEMAND you give up your machine guns and tanks and take a more democratic and diplomatic approach to the monkey army!!! Don't make me throw the senate at you! :dev9:

  8. ASSuming I don't catch it first and take you down--o' sockless one. :D

  9. Aww, hey homes, happy birthday!

  10. Aww, you don't find tourettes guy funny?

  11. Aww, you don't wanna see my tattoo? :naughty:

  12. Aww. But I was willing to play nice with mr caviar. :p

  13. Aww. I was hoping you'd Keep Major Kusanagi.

  14. Aye. Thy little green fella be throwin' them dead varmint at ye?

  15. Because they're crack monkeys! :laughing:

  16. Bleh. Another comment in my profile. I fail again.

  17. Bob, eh...for apples in the toilet? :rofl:

  18. Boogey woogey woo sneaks up behind naruto. <tap-tap-tap>

  19. BOOYEAH! An ass clown down!!!

  20. Bored with Te' Mirdala Mandalore so you changed it eh? You're stil the same gun toting deer shooter, though. :dev9:

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