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Darth Avlectus

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Everything posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Years of hard landings have made you insensitive back there...you are now bleeding from that end b/c you have a broken tailbone. No real harm done otherwise except the hillarious visit to the bathroom where you think you have colon cancer. :devsmoke:

  2. Goes Vaapad and lands a boot to your heinekin.

  3. "Kettle Head" is what Red Foreman calls Kelso on "That 70's show"...


    Now that I think of it I might just keep this personality around a while. I like it.

  4. I change it ~ the 11th of every month. I have a few actually I plan to use eventually in my Avatar albums, plus I'm adding stuff all the time to my albums.


    BTW, you posted in your own VM section--FAIL! :xp:

  5. *gets up, glares, pursues*




    Brushes hands off.



  6. Ah look, another kettlehead. :dev9:

  7. Close enough for government work. :)

  8. Ah, so you finally noticed. :lol:


    How old do you think I actually (biologically) am?

  9. Tosses in an AXE wash and a towel.

  10. Oh I see it, failed. Comment in my own profile. :swear: OK, cuts the crap ignites lightsaber and uses force "prostate pains". You crap yourself. He's in ready stance, while you write on the ground.

  11. Only when you can make it come back to whack 'em but true. You've done it to me several times.

  12. Neither is any of the sh*t we talk about. :iceburn:

  13. Last I checked you aren't a wound in the force. So explain that one, wiseguy.

  14. Ah, a fellow retro gamer. How goes it?


    BTW you might check out the electronics section of think geek right now. I'm sure you'll like what you see. ;0

  15. (You cannot be epic if you are fail!)

    (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)

  16. <Darth nihilus walks up>

    DSAFF$#@%$T$ W# # Y %Y^ %EYSG %RY% HTRY%$


    d%$Y%$YU^UY * M ^ &^ ^&*&^ IJY()*() @!#

  17. You dig only to find my corpse has vanished. You struck me down. Now I have become more powerful than you could possibly imagine. :angel:

  18. Oh c'mon yo. You've seen my antics at the forum games...gotta live up to my jackassing outside thaT once in awhile. It's my handle...well, that and "monkey fling doodey".


    I imagine you're at least somewhat of a jackassing mind as well. :dev9:

  19. I heave a dead raccoon at thee! <runs away quick>

  20. While I can't do anything...fate twists and monkey all decrepit decides he needs a new person to pick on. So he summoned hi army to have an all out doodey flinging with you as the star attraction.

  21. *I collapse and respawn outside Vice city hospital good as new!*

  22. *Hack uses smart RPG and blows you to hell*

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