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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Dude, your new AV owns.

  2. DUDE! YOUTUBE GMOD idiot box! Pronto--this is hillarious! You might very well download the vids at the links he provided in his descriptions. Some nice vids to kill time with while on a plane and ou have your MP4 video player or something.

  3. DZ failed to say why it was good/bad. I think he needs a ultimate n00b smack bombshell.


  5. Ehh, hey, I'm surprised you have not made your way to the general discussion forum into the forum games and joined into the fun.

  6. Ehhh......Shut up.

  7. Ey, were you going to get into SWTOR?

  8. Ey, when you are done molesting chickens, you wanna join in the RP? http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=197395

  9. Figured it's been a few months. I should do something suitably new and yet still of my stature.

  10. Figured you'd get a kick out of it.

  11. Finish the sentence if you saw the chief of police part of big money hustlas. :devsmoke:

  12. FOUND! Apparently, it is the lightside Visas mod by Sciamano. I don't think you have that one. In fact several at your site you don't have that I do.

  13. Free to send now whatever it is you were sending that got rejected. ;)

  14. Funny that, I actually have that mod. :dev9:

  15. Funny that: I have ironically never read it. :0

  16. Funny, I noticed the same thing. Sort of.

  17. Funny, I think I had the PAC MAN 2 counterpart, loud and annoying sound LED display. Mid-late 80's I'm sure. I don't know whatever happened to it but I'm sure its disappearance had parental involvement. :dev9:

  18. G'nite, heading that way m'self.

  19. G'nite. It's going on 3:20 AM over here on the west coast. You must like, be just getting up.

  20. Go ...shine your helmet.

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