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Darth Kalverys

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Status Updates posted by Darth Kalverys

  1. I know dude... I haven't had time to log on... in fact I'm kinda supposed to be doing a research paper right now... but I switch between pages. xD

  2. Haha... I'm working on it dude... I have had /very/ little time to work on it.

  3. ZAP! It's pretty amazing! Specially since we're gonna be one of the first schools in the USA to preform it!

  4. Maybe... though I'd much rather finish my fanfic finished before I get to much involved in LF again. I post the chapters here, yes. And have been on constantly for the past three days because I'm bored and haven't been able to leave my house, 'cause I'm sick. >.<

  5. Yeah... though I don't know how long my stay will be... since I've gotten into a bit of trouble here, and because school on monday will rocket me into more business...

  6. Hahaha... but it's all good. I'm fine now... things have finally calmed down, and I've been able to write again. :D

  7. Yeah, and then there is our play that opens this coming thursday... so let's stack that on to homework and make up work as well. :xp: Long, LONG year it's been... and the first nine weeks isn't even over...

  8. :lol: It's just been a bad nine weeks for me. Sick four times in three months. >.< And stack make up work on top of homework= EPIC FAIL! lol
  9. Oh, I'm sure... heard a bit about you anyway... :lol:

  10. Hahahah... alright thanks. The only beta readers I have in real life, tell me nothing on how to improve. They only tell me it's good, and just stuff like that. I need a good murder of my confidence. :xp:

  11. 'Ello. I saw where you said that you'd beta read, and I was wondering if you'd beta read for me... ;)

  12. Of course I am... otherwise I would have said that your name was stupid.

  13. Hahaha... guess who's back, again. Yup. I have had like zero time to log on. Dumb Junior year of high school... dumb brain! AGH! I'm going to kill myself for taking all those AP classes!

  14. Dude, I have to say... your name is awsome.

  15. Depends on what you mean by fun. Well... I have fun... even though I should get the work outta the way first... I don't. I hang out with friends and procrastinate. But all my friends are procrastinators too! :D

  16. Lucky, lucky you! Heh... I'm on and will probably be on next week, cause I just realized that I need the internet for my "news journal". Since I have to watch it since May 24th. >.< It's annoying, but really simple. My teachers didn't give hard summer assignments, just time consuming ones.

  17. Heh... that's a bit funny. I probably won't be back on for several weeks, school getting started and everything... I have 4 books to read, a book report, journal, and have to watch the news since May (which I haven't done) before August 18th. :( But that's what I get for signing up for AP and PAP classes. :D

  18. That's cool, Death Note is awsome too...

  19. I have heard of them... somewhere...

  20. Meh heh heh heh heh heh... you're quite funny.





  21. Yeah, I missed being here... and I forgot my password for the longest time, so I just randomly guessed one day and it was correct. ^_^ What are the chances? Anyway... I'm pretty excited... it's August 2nd... and I've got the new Twilight Series book, Breaking Dawn! :D

  22. Tired, and yet awake due to coffee. I'm begginin' to think that I shouldn't have bought any. Oh well... it's nice to be up, I can read Breaking Dawn. :)

  23. Meh heh heh heh heh heh... hiya.

  24. Meh heh heh heh heh... fan of the Incredibles much? :p jk.

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