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Marius Fett

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Everything posted by Marius Fett

  1. Slight improvement:






    And i'll have you know my supply of ponies is plentiful. o_Q

  2. That was a bit of an awkward one to do to be honest, :lol:


    (So much black)


    But I had a go:



  3. Looks like parts of the mask were the same shade as the background. :p


    You can always use the lasso to select the background too. ;)

  4. make a new document with a transparent background and paste your image on top. use the wand to select the background and hit delete. then save as png. simple. :p

  5. make a new document with a transparent background and paste your image on top. use the wand to select the background and hit delete. then save as png. simple. :p

  6. There is no colour, it's a .PNG image with a transparent background made in Photoshop. ;)

  7. Nice to see you still drop in occasionally T7. :)



  8. hai friend of Burnseyyyyyy! :D

  9. :lol:


    Well I was the last time I checked! :p

  10. :lol:


    Your art made you have a fan club :lol:


    We should make some club flags..

  11. While we're confessing Burnseyy, I added you to mine aswell. :lol:

  12. Pony-Plates.jpg


    Think of it as a late birthday present..


    Are you MAN enough? :p

  13. Aww.. Poor glovemaster...


    Doesn't have any messages.. :p


    Here, have a cookie:


    Show spoiler
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  14. Oh, doesn't it just. :p

  15. :D




    Not as unique as mine. o_Q

  16. Indeed...


    Meanwhile, i'll go back to CPR.

  17. Uh, Burnseyy, this guy registered last year :lol:

  18. :lol:


    Either that or he's just plain psychotic..

  19. Looks like Dav is in a good mood eh?

  20. :lol:


    Thoooose were the days..


    *sings quietly to self in corner*

  21. I miss the days before Zombie RD.. :p

  22. :lol:


    Parents SUCK...


    Luckily for me, they can't touch the laptop. :p

  23. okie dokes..


    you has skypes/msn?

  24. Aaaah right..


    She coming back?


    Btw, RD is now officially a zombie.. :(

  25. So how is dear Avery doing over there? :p

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