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Status Updates posted by True_Avery

  1. Between the people that have come the senate to blog and the people coming to just say "you're wrong", I'm about ready to leave it the same I did Kavars.

  2. Could we keep it in PMs and such? I don't look at my e-mail enough to justify giving it out.

  3. Hehe, we should talk on msn about gurls and stuff! ;P

  4. I shall ban you all! Mouhahaha

  5. I'm thinking of uplifting my ban on Kavars. Garfield has killed Senate like I told ET and Skin it would. Been telling people for months to get rid of a certain person but no-body takes me seriously when I say he is a freaking plague to whatever he enters.

  6. Indeed. Good discussion. Painful to debate, but interesting to think about.

  7. Internet went out at house. At Friends house. Deleted god post.

  8. Isn't that the plot of Pulse? :D

  9. It was short, but cute. Should write more.

  10. So, hows all that ruining people like yourself on Xbox live doing? I hear you are like, saving the free world on Call of Duty.

  11. Thanks, but its alright. People like him aren't really worth the trouble, and hopefully he'll grow up more opened minded. Until then, he can enjoy the repercussions of posting before he thinks.

  12. Thanks. The metaphor is bleeding in the corner, but I think it made good use of itself.

  13. This is Rethana by the way. How you been?

  14. Welcome back! Must say I missed having you around to debate Garfield :p

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