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Everything posted by logan23

  1. How can you change it?

    Why does the name matter? The better names will be the over populated ones,..i know from Beta when i choosing Dath bandon,..and had a hard time getting in after making a toon and leveling up to level11

  2. The Server is



    I would post it in the forum but the threads are locked =(

  3. If you sign to swtor I believe you can see what server for the guilds.


    Darth hater has all the severs listed

  4. You answered my question.


    I was nervous that i didn't enter my code. I know i enter a code while back and was wondering did it register but what you just stated means, im all good =)



  5. Thanks!


    I have two dates, purchase of the game and another which I believe is my early access code was entered....


    When you look at your acount, how many dated items do you have?


    Don't we need to place our redeem code in before they would give us the game client to down load?

  6. Hey, downloaded the client but it stopped and i have a message:

    There is currently no active subscription on this account

    Activate account here


    When I click the "here" link it send me to a page that says either im not able to view or its not present?

  7. I will be there in 15 mins


    What's the problem?

  8. happy thanksgiving!

  9. I'm there now.

    Whats up?

  10. Hi,

    With writing positions, I would need to see a writing sample.

    Also I'm looking for people who are 17/18 and above in age.

  11. I like the idea! =)

  12. How many viewers are watching it , on a given week?

  13. hey, hows it going?

    The Skins look amazing!

  14. Doesn't look bad.

    It just need some RoR images to be placed in that's all.


  15. Whats up


    How was your weekend?

  16. I would hold off since I would hate have you take the time and build it and it never gets used.

  17. Right now I'm using Lucas forums and deadlystreams forums for now.

    I don't know if we will gaveca separate forum for the website.


    I will keep you posted if things change.

  18. Hey, sign up to sugarsync and i can set you up the newest build for you to do some writing for the items, etc.


    PM when you signed up =)

  19. I want to send you my best wishes.

    I have family who also suffered from depression.


    If you ever need someone to talk to.....I'm here to listen.

  20. Let me know if you have any questions and if you have yahoo chat, etc or other means

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