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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Pm me anyhing from your testing

  2. Just foundout moviemaker can do it =)

  3. you know a good coverter form mp4 to avi?


    My sony vegas can't see mp4

  4. That is a possible species we might add

  5. I am using the module from deathdisco but the layout and content is not the same. I plan to use also the Sithspecter coruscant module once it's turn to tsl comparable.

  6. Oh what do I need to upload at deadlystream? Also is there a size limit?

  7. Cool!

    Look forward to the pics and the 2.0's Release!

  8. When uploading a file to kotor files or deadly stream what is needed and is there a file size limit? Could not find a FAQ at deadlstream on this.


  9. Hey the override folder on sugar is updated so twilik now can wear head gear

  10. I'm surprise your not at the chat lol

  11. In an hr and half

  12. Pm me any issues or feedback on tweaks !

  13. Welcome to the east coast!

  14. Hey the newest Test build is up at sugar.

  15. got it, thanks!

    Let me know when you have the VOs done for them =)

  16. Including me? Did he impersonate me?

  17. What's wrong? I'm on the cell and can't get on hiss by cell

    Go to FB I can chat there

  18. I will send you a animate from Sony Vegas showing the break up of the station. It wont explode in one full explosion , think of how on kotor1 when malak fires on tarus there is shot of it, in our sense it's the space station starting to break a part, I will use Vegas for the explosion while you will simply have the station start to break, see the story board I sent awhile back for clarification. It ends with debris falling onto the camera as the camera is below the space station . These are short no pro longed scenes here

  19. Those edits are fine :)

    Can you delete the post so others can read.

  20. Those edits are fine :)

    I'm deleting the post so others can read.

  21. drkeng.dlg file

  22. It's a one line of dlg

  23. actually give me a 30 mins and then i will be at hiss

  24. Hey come over to http://teamhssiss.proboards.com/

    We can talk about RoR

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