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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Whats up!

    Hows modding going?

  2. There is one line that Drayen says in the new build you have , when the trap is sprung at the temple,

  3. Don't worry I can add some stuff in sony vegas , the special effects.

    The Video does not have to be the final perfect one, just need to give the picture across of the attack, we can always work on it more using combo of vegas and 3dmax

  4. I got it but my computer was disconnected and brought down stairs due to the 115 degree heat wave, going to re connect today and then check them out :)

  5. hows the movie going?

  6. I'm sorry for your lost.


    With the VOs I see that the only final version is the full game release so Demo, Act1 are all ROR work in progress which allows us to give players a taste of the game plus get feedback to make the proper tweaks too pacing, balance, quests for the full version of the game.

  7. Check out the RoR team social group, new website

  8. go to the RoR team social group for a look at what the new site might look like

  9. Hey how you been?

  10. Hey, whats new!

    Hows the business going?

  11. I forgot to tell you one thing about updates, what ever you introduce you are basically locked in to do so only reveal stuff vauge or when you know how it work and tested,


    Its never good to flip flop on story, features, etc or it will hurt team moral and your watchers

  12. Hey what's up

  13. Great update!

  14. Hey,

    Actually redrob41 added the shine. I know it's a txt file,

  15. I sent a pm giving green light on the new space station

  16. Yup it's in the tutorial section. Never thought my first tutorial document would be this lol

  17. Sounds good:)

    I also posted an update in LF RoR thread

  18. With the Revan Book, I have a way around what ever they do =)

  19. Update post in LF

  20. Hey hows it going?

  21. no, i don't use Steam

  22. Hey there is a Facebook group for Revenge of revan, you can join that and i can be friend you from there =)

  23. Hey i will send you a PM tonight or tomorrow, been out side in the heat the past two days which has been causing me to go to bed early, :-(

  24. cool, i like the progression!


    The final progression of a style might end up by the time the game is done, its all 16-20 hrs, we could see some changes like 5 hilts for the full evolution, but thats a good time away.


    I'm think we could show this to the thread RoR and get feed back on the evolution of the hilt and how many changes in a tree, skins





    Looks amazing!

  25. Hey,

    Sorry work kicked my butt the past few days.

    I will pm you in a little while.

    I will also be on hiss in an hour or two

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