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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Hey if you upload a version thats just AVI or a lower quality I can then place it on the other mod site. Right now I can not place it on there since I think its to big or you have the embedding blocked.

  2. no problem. Was just wondering,...it look scary lol


    i'm going to go and get the change file ready for testing. If it works tonight will upload and send to you to see if it worked for you as well

  3. Hey, whats new!

    How have you been?

  4. Hey, whats new? How have you been?

  5. They look good. I see what you mean by m. bison. Uldir's head looks great!

  6. hey going to send you a link for my modcast, want your feeling on it

  7. posted it in the social group the layout

  8. Thanks for all the info...you help get rid of my head ache =)

  9. let me know if there are any issues, i can send a quick fix if there are any bugs.



  10. Cool


    Im looking into getting an iphone or android for building mobile games.

  11. yeah, lol

    It was the ( ) setup that got me. =)


    Hows everything with you and your mod.

  12. Hey,


    Congrads on the interview!!

    I was waiting for someone to contact you guys on the Mod :-)


    Great interview, very professional.


    Thanks for mentioning Revenge of Revan, I have to say it felt surreal to see RoR mentioned in a published article. Plus it was inspiring :-)



  13. PM'ed the link to you , did you get it?

  14. Im reading two new books, one on game design and the other on level design,


    Im looking into prototyping two ideas for an iphone and adroid game. My need some art for it. These could actually make us money. :)

  15. Check out the RoR team social group, new website

  16. let me know what you think, either here or in the social group

  17. I can fix that tomorrow morning:-)

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