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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Not really , lol

    I'm working on a patch right now for the Demo :-)

    Thanks got the support!

  2. Yeah I can do that. I just need the writer to understand how to create the dlg tree and to place the written dlgs in it, that all. The conditionals and other scripts will be placed in by me. They can even place npc names and party members name init and i can replace with the utc file name so they don't have to deal with issues like that

  3. Hey,

    You are correct, the only color crystals will be the progressive crystals. The only original color crystal you will see is the blue since when you make the saber it has to have a crystal in it, plus they can be used as a place holder as yoj pull the progress cryatal and then update or modify it at the bench before placing it back into the saber with the new level or type of progress crystal.


    Outside of that there will be no normal color crystals from the original game.


    I hope i didnt confuse you more,

  4. hey, no hississ? lol

  5. Welcome to freedom from finals! That's awesome that you will be able to have time to work on the story without having things over your head, like finals.

  6. ok, now check the youtube email/message- i made it so you can see the video

  7. The link is dead. It does not send me anywhere.


    Do you have another one?

  8. No problem, I'm going to be releasing next week the cal to expand the team since the Design document and all the information on the game including how meeting will work etc,..yup we are going to feel like a professional development co/mod group =)

  9. Sorry about the confusion.lol


    What i was saying doing them in more linear action with choices that affect the games plot. Think of kotor2 as a movie, you wouod be doing TV series,or mini series. This give you the freedom to keep plot going and going.


    The reason i say this is because there are mainly new modders who would be available since there are about 3 large story mods which shrinks the available pool of more intermedate and expierence modders. Even with a team you will be doing 80-90 percent of the work.


    If your interested in the episode style, i can help transfer your plot into this structure. Think of it as the player wont know what will happen next.


    I hope i didnt confuse you, im typing fast on my cell while at work.

  10. Hey whats up!

  11. Once i make more fixes to the first pre-beta i will then send the updates.

  12. Team mod cast link is up

  13. Interesting,


    How the rebalancing work? What does the mod actually do?



  14. Hey, sorry about yesterday. Got caught up with some stuff. I will stop by today in the chat. Hows the mods going?

  15. which module?

    Just remove clothing and place it back on, clears it up

  16. Hey,

    Sorry, i got your email. I have all the npcs you asked in the modules, just placing the script in. The trigger for the confronation works where the dlg is activated. Im going to place a few morw npcs in the module for filler. The number of npcs should not slow the game down. That module could easily have 30 npcs with no issues....its a big module.

    I have been getting bogged down with RoR....the size of the project is growing. Just got some RoR sample music for the mod...RoR themes from our composer.


    Hows everything with you?

  17. Sounds good =)

  18. Yeah you can make the tutorial on the dlgeditor, thanks !!!!


    You mention CG? is that a person team? of Computer graphics?

    Can you clarify?

  19. Thanks for allowing me to use them.


    You will be in the credits.


    What i plan to do is make it so the skins are connected to a new model of the same model of the robe so it won't over write the existing game ones.


    I can send you the models connected to your skins so you can release them as separate robes and not over write the old ones if you want.


    Thanks again!



  20. Just let me know what you want me touch on. I could spend hrs talking on the subject. Email me the info. My pm is almost full.


  21. Pm me your rough/ plot, a few sentences, and i will give you some info on how you can take it and put into the structure we discussed and also the benifits of this style. Even if the plot is not done, just a rough idea what you want and i can help show how it can be done.

  22. hey,


    Quick question, about USM and new lightaaber crystals. With the USM sabers ,can you switch color crystals?


    Asking since when i build a new saber it shows it with the right color but when you go to upgrade in bench it has no crystal in slot? it touched it causes the game to crash. Is there a way to make a new saber uti and have it with the color crystal inside so this wont happen.


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