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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Hey, hows everything going with your projects.


    I think you guys are redefining kotor modding and opening up the door to a new generation of kotor modders to say ..yes we can do that:thmbup1:



  2. ok, manual didn work, i prob didn't place everything right, so now doing the tsl patcher

  3. I'm using Narshada. I have to make this place disgusting, with a small Droid shop and lots of homeless people. There are 2 bars, one for pilots to stop in and get some food as they refill their ships and the other is the bar where you will find the crime bosses. The trick is to give it more run down feel. I will have to place wreckage on fire to help setup the mood

  4. I keep a list of people who allowed me to use a mod or part of one for the credits.

  5. Hey check out the forum and social groups.

    It is great to see you stop by!

  6. Yup :)

    Server with the walking carpet guild- also a member of.

    It's a LF guild- see the swtor section in LF for server name... I just remember it started with a "V" lol

  7. Hey,


    Whats new?


    The weather here is getting better, starting to feel like spring.

  8. You should make it a container or something that the player can see, just incase they look through the room quickly and don't see it. A container or bag near the holocron will make sure the player does not mis it since once you fight sion you can not get back in. Also some people will not use the explosives to open that door, so another location might be batter to ensure the player finds it since Korriban academy can not be revisted

  9. Thanks,


    They might have been there, been feelin like slow motion due to allerges,...ugh lol


    Hope to get a little more rest and knock out the last cutscences :-) for the demo.

  10. cool,

    I am placing in the stats extras based on species today

  11. Hey,

    I uploaded RoR Demo/Beta to kotorfiles but have not seen it onsite yet.

    How long does it usually take? thank you

  12. I didn't think filefront could handle a mod file that size

  13. Mine is Tom23logan


    Feel free to contact me- always like to help fellow modders with stories

  14. Hey, how was your new year?

  15. another tmcast, in 5 minutes this one you will like, trust me

  16. hey,

    i posted some pics of Return to Dantoonie Mod, reskin of Dantooine.

  17. Send it by PM.

    Thanks :-)

  18. Is there a way to create a templet for that section, modding asset for other s to build new fly to planet movies. Where players will have all the material just need to do their own setup of the fly by but the images, and model are all packaged....this could be something placed on kotorfiles for modders to use as a tool which you built

  19. Hey, hows the new computer? and writing going

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