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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. The reason i'm asking is that i have a theory on how to get a new character in the start screen.


    I know that if you change the skin of Sion it will show up there. The idea is to replace the 2da appearance of Sion for example with a new model but it will have the same name as Sion's model's mdx and mdl name. I believe the game gets the model for that start up screen by using the 2da file and maybe the model's name.


    Basically you over ride the 2da of Sion's appearance number to reflect your new NPC and it should show up in theory.


    I don't know how sensative it is that why i say to copy the same name as sion's mdx and mdl names and skins plus edit his 2da line and it should work. The problem is that Sion, Nihilus and Kreia are all one model npc's I believe.


    What do you think?

  2. just sent the invite

  3. Hi,


    I am Logan from the Revenge of Revan Mod.


    I would be interested in your modeling skills.


    Do you have a link showing your past work.


    Info on the Revenge of Revan Mod:








    I understand that your schedule or time for modeling might be limited.

    I would like to discuss what would you be interested in working on, I am flexible and I don't plan to ask you to do anything huge.



    Let me know if you have any questions.



  4. Hey, i discovered with any of the VOs that seem low when ingame, all I have to do is place them in vegas and re-render them as a mp3 again and that does the trick and they are at the proper sound level to hear. Just wanted to let you know so that level that the random conv you sent me, use that level/sound volume to record.


    There will be some more lines coming. I just added 2 more writers so there will be some new dialogue coming down the pipe line =)

  5. Hey, hows everything going?

  6. hey sent you the link of the beta to you yahoo acct

  7. Hey, how's the vo progress?

  8. Did you get the email?

  9. sent you a pm at DS

  10. Hey,


    I recieved your PM, thanks for the info. I will forward some of it to redrob since he is working on some logo art. :-)



  11. Hey,


    Before the cameos, talk...lets first get your plot done and get your mod into pre-production.


    You still have to get an idea how big this mod will be and will you do them in installments like chapters in a TV mini series or as one big story.



  12. Hey,


    I got the email with the logos!


    I know what you mean i took a week off to play Dragon age, very good game. I downloaded the toolset but i dont plan to do much with them till the demo of RoR is out.

  13. did you hear the new stuff?

  14. I posted on the artwork =)

  15. Cool!

    Good area of work. The computer field is a ever growing and evolving industry and once you understand it like you do you can take different paths to focus when you see an opportunity to use it for your work.


    I will have a video up soon, the Sinus infection I have basically shot my weekend when it came to modding but got the website updated so I could get it onto the moddb.com site.

  16. Hey, how's the base portraits coming, only need normal version. Also if you have am edited main screen for the sith witchs, would like add them to demo if they are ready.




  17. no, i don't use Steam

  18. posted new mp3 in social group

  19. I posted in my forum on the dlg doc

  20. hey

    Do you have any of these AIM, MSN messenger, or yahoo version?

  21. Hey was wondering is there a way to merge your tslpatcher setup and mine? Or a way for me to add to your setup change.ini file using the ChangeEdit program?

  22. just to remind you you must remove your old modules and override folder and place in the new one.

  23. Hey, how is it going =)

  24. Good to see you stoping in more. How is class on game design?

  25. How can you change it?

    Why does the name matter? The better names will be the over populated ones,..i know from Beta when i choosing Dath bandon,..and had a hard time getting in after making a toon and leveling up to level11

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