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Status Updates posted by HIGH ON PIE 14

  1. Hello Sophie!


    Well thats cheery. :xp:


    I have never known a Sophie before. I don't think there are many people in the U.S. that share your name. With that section, I'm trying to show that she is not invincible as she has been portayed thus far.


    Poor burnt shoulders. That must have been a bad burn for it to still be around. Ah, but I have school the day after tomorrow, to tend to. :(



  2. Hey Burnseyy!


    Did you see that DY has been banned? I wonder why?

    Sorry I don't have time to say more, I'll catch up with you later. :)


    EDIT: Oh, its only for a week. Got scared there for a minute.


    What do you think about The Old Republic


  3. Hey Burnseyy!


    How's life on the other side of the Atlantic?

    Not to get your hopes up or anything, but I should have a TFP chapter up this weekend, with the new character. Writing has been slow, though not due to lack of ideas, rather, a lack of time. (Damn you AP Government!) Hows the writing going? Oh yeah, got me a new avvy. :D



  4. Hey Burnseyy!


    Hows college treating you?


    My english class started a new book today. When I saw the title I laughed. You'll like it, its called "Sophie's World" :D Damn we have not talked in ages. I guess we are both busy with school. I had three tests yesterday...and failed two of them. *sigh* There goes my striaght A's. Knew that would not last long. :xp:



  5. Hey Burnseyy!


    Oooh, just saw your pm. Wheee! Thank you thank you thank you! Okay, I'll stop now. Unless you want to post this pic in your art thread, would you mind posting it in TFP? I would do it myself, but I don't want people accidentally giving me credit instead of you. ;) Sorry I've been off the last few days busy with a hectic start of school. Its good to be back.



  6. Hey Burnseyy!


    Wow it's been ages since we talked lol. Hows life on the other side of the Atlantic?



  7. Hey, DY!


    My part is up at K3, ready for revision. Been a rough week, so it took a bit longer.



  8. Hey, Endorenna!


    Haha, I saw we both joined the Lucasforums Atris Haters Society. :xp: Hows it been going?


    Oh, and if I missed anything, like fiction updates or anything, sorry. These past two weeks have been good, but a little hectic. I even have to sign off in a couple minutes to go do my British Lit homework. :hor:



  9. Hey, how have you been? I have not seen you around lately. I've been away so that might be my fault, I don't know. :) Whats up?



  10. Hey!


    I'm back from my exile! :D Sorry about that but school was crazy so I decided to just finish that up before coming back on. Oooh I have so many fics to catch up on. Doing pretty good - Summer Vacation finally!



  11. Hi!


    Totally random here but I love the avvy. Sokka and his cactus juice. :D



  12. Hooray for lying! :D


    I used to only lie when I absolutly needed to. Then I lied when it would be beneficial...then when it was conveinient for me...and then when I felt like it...wow how we change.


    I hate books like that. All of my AP books are like that so I get the "cheat" book that put it in plain english. Everybody wonders how I do so well. Maybe I'll tell them...on the last week of school :xp:


    Hook Aruil and Gina up? Well aside from the fact that Gina is a robot and does know affection or even lust that would be hard. I like the idea though. :xp: Although, Aruil will be one of the few people who is not put off by Gina. Everbody else will be all like "she's a creepy cyborg killing machine!" Aruil will just treat her normal, though will inadvertantly confuse Gina with her strange talk.


    I could go as Gino :D



  13. I am so glad the election is over. Political ads suck (and I approve this message). DC was like 92% Obama so not nearly a battleground area.


    Hehe, well, Chapter 8 is down for a re-write but Gina has forced me to do some colored TFP drawings, which are in my album...I'm not sure how to get them in a post from there though...


    Nothing too interesting, just hanging with friends, doing homework...although I did write a whole 10 page term paper last night, on the structure, analysis, and philosophical themes in Hamlet's soliloquies. - not fun.:xp:


    How goes it for you? :)



  14. I can take or leave the movies to be honest. :¬: I saw the preview for the TV series and decided to give it another chance.


    The new TV series...has potential. Honestly I watch it for Cameron and her funny lines. Helena Bonham Carter is not in the series...unless you mean the new terminator movie that is coming out? I think she is in that.


    Cameron is from a terminator TV series which is Arnold free. :) The show can be made better but its got some good stuff in it.



  15. I did not see what you wrote to Burnseyy so I have no idea of the specifics of what you told her. I'd love to go over it with you either here or via pm, whichever you prefer.



  16. I don't know what you are talking about...in America D is the largest size. If you are any bigger, you need custom made. :xp: Must be different in England.


    :lol: That is so funny about your shirt. I'm laughing just thinking about it. Yes water slides and bikinis are not a good combination. :) Wow, this is cool, you, me and DY online at the same time...that has not happened for a while.



  17. I guess my stats would be:


    Strength: 14

    Dexterity: 14

    Constitution: 12

    Intelligance: 12

    Wisdom: 12

    Charisma: 14


    I guess I'm fairly well rounded.


    OMG Karen - :lol: A cop asked her for licence and registration and she showed him her...stuff - one was licence and the other registration. Then Will was like "You should see what she shows you when you ask for her passport." :xp:




  18. I had thought about that too. What I will do is set it two weeks later and make it that Carth informed Mission, who then informed Dustil. Its the easiest way that requires little explaination.


    Dustil is starting out on another planet and most of the first chapter will be traveling to Dantooine.



  19. I have not actually checked the medal standings but I'm fairly sure that the US has the most medals, but China has the most gold. Its funny how they always win the stuff that is being judged.


    America has either had amazing wins or totally blown it, but thats usually the way it goes. England is usually consistant with their medal are they not?


    :lol: Burnseyy the pool shark! Ooh, shoulders, I burned my shoulders before. It sucked cause I always sleep on my side...yeah I know how bad burning goes. Happens to me all the time. As for being drunk - hope you don't have like a huge hangover tomorrow. :)



  20. I have played Mass Effect, though I'll admit, my first time playing it was in Spain...so I didn't understand it when my Spanish friend was trying to explain it to me. I've started to pick up playing it here, though school has effectively been hindering it.


    Haha, my straight friend (a girl) went to my lesbian friend's (yup I have a lesbian friend - she has hot pink throwing knives but thats another story) sleepover a few years ago only to find out she was the only straight one invited. :xp: A sleepover with all lesbians - I was torn between pity and laughter when she told me. Needless to say she was hit on a lot. :D



  21. I just finished reading youre addition, so I guess I know the answer to the pm I sent you now huh? Sorry about that. Hopefully my piece will be up in K3 tomorrow.



  22. I know right? Thats why I want to write a whole fic before releasing it but I never have the self control to do it that way :xp: When I get a good idea I just have to blurt it out.

    A lot of times good ideas come at the worst possible time, like when your bored during a test. And its so frustrating cause you can't just write them down - your taking a test - but you can't concentrate on the test either cause of your good ideas...maybe thats just me though...bad luck. Damn tests!...buit on the other hand they have provoked some good ideas. Hmmm.



  23. I know what you mean. No matter how they did the storyline, there would be people angry with it because it was not their vision of K3. I was having trouble imagining how they would continue it storyline-wise. I still want it to come out, but I will have to be satisfied with TOR. After playing it I'll be going on about it and denying that I ever doubted it - just wait :D


    Oh, well, the chapter is just meh...but I already wrote the one after and I'm very happy with it. :) It will haver both Gina and Aruil in it...I can't wait for those two to meet. :xp:



  24. I know, that makes our K3 thing off to kinda a rough start huh? Where are you going anyway? Hope you have an easier time there than I am in Spain...


    :lol: Yeah I know what you mean about Harry...liked his determination and how he had to deal with all kind of hardships, but his mood swings were annoying - just like Hermione´s - but since she is a girl, she has a legitimate excuse. :xp: Yeah Tonks is cool, (at least in the 5th and 7th anyway) Thats funny that they were your favorites before the got together. I heard that when the 7th book came out and JKR was signing them, a couple, dressed up as Lupin and Tonks came up to her with their books. JKR felt super guilty because she killed them both off. Unnecessary deaths in my opinion. She can kill Tonks but not Malfoy? :confused:



  25. I left a message on DYs profile about the group fiction idea. (this way I don't have to type it twice. ;))



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