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Everything posted by Sithspecter

  1. Thanks, don't worry about the computer. It didn't have much value, just mainly a lot of files which are not necessary, just mainly mods and stuff that I made, but mostly not a big deal. It could be worse, I'm just glad that none of my family was hurt or anything.

  2. I'm a little rough actually. My house got broken into about 2 weeks back, stole my computer with all my mods and stuff. Plus, I've had a lot going on a work, and still going to school. It's been tough, but I'm pushing through it. How are you?

  3. It was excellent as always, keep up the good work!

  4. I though that it was very interesting, and you did a good job of turning the story to your newly chosen direction. The issues that were brought up were very intriguing, and show a fresh aspect of the Jedi. Overall very good, and certainly continue writing!


    About collaboration, I'm not sure that I have the time for it, but what exactly did you have in mind?

  5. I'm not really sure. Maybe what you should do is use your current plot as sort of a jump off to what you really want to do now. I sort of did the same thing. The asteroid/pirates in my story were originally intended to be more than they ended up being. So, I used them to introduce the new part of the story, and they sort of ended up being irrelevant.

  6. Yes, I read it. It is mostly what I expected from the last chapter, instruction from the Masters. I have the tendency to feel sorry for Tamara, I kind of hope that she and the protagonist (can't remember name, sorry), become friends.

  7. Well, the dark side definitely seemed evident in Tamara from the start. I had a guess that her ferocity had to do with her lightsaber, she seemed quite extreme for a Padawan disciplined since birth. Overall, it seemed short, but sufficient. If you wanted to edit it, maybe you could have them initially spar with the training weapons, and then have Tamara pick up the actual saber. Looks pretty good, answers a few questions, and leaves some still hanging.

  8. Okay, I'm taking a look right now. Look for a new chapter of Squadron Legacy.

  9. I sure will, although admittedly, I'm probably not a very good critic or reviewer. As long is the plot is interesting, I'm sold on just about anything. :)

  10. Sure, PM me your email address.

  11. I'm not exactly sure what it does, but I think that it sort of re-aligns all the vertexes to a normal, level environment. It with safe-pivots off, it resets the bounding box (not sure what to call it, the sort of general box outline you see when you select a mesh) to align and be straight and level. You can do it with both, I think, but generally, best results with KAurora come with safe-pivots off.

  12. Hmm... It might be messed up and sort of hidden somewhere if you forgot to hit Reset-X-Form. I would try doing that for the piece missing. If it still doesn't want to cooperate, chop it off into a separate file, then add it to your layout file.

  13. Just emailed you the fighter pilot stuff, and I'll get to work on those areas. Any textures that you could provide me with will be great. PS, do you have a Facebook?

  14. Dang, you are right! I thought that I attached both. I will get all of the helmets to you tomorrow.

  15. I sent the flight suit and the Republic flight helmet. If you want all the other reskins of the helmet, I can send you those as well. I'd like to work on scratch-modeled areas of Nilban soon, so you'll be seeing some work on that in the near future if you want.

  16. Hey Dak, shoot me a PM with your email, and I'll get that fighter pilot helmet to you.

  17. You're going to have to probably re-UV map it and export it again.

  18. Yep, you are going to need a .vis file. Just follow the format of the ones in the KotOR Tool, and make sure to add your new models to the .lyt file.

  19. It's going okay so far, I still have a few model issues to wrap up in the first module, then after that, I'm going to be pressing ahead with it.

  20. The first time I tried to export them from Max, NWMax didn't like them. So, I made a test area, with only a box. These are the steps that I took on it: Created it, ResetXForm, UV Mapped, Did the lightmap steps, Converted to mesh to "Bake" it all in, added Aurora Trimesh modifier, then exported. It exported okay, but KAurora doesn't like it. Tried a to put a few other things that have worked in previous versions of KAurora through it, but it didn't like those either. I did not try to export with a walkmesh, I seem to remember somebody saying that bugged the new version. Maybe my version is corrupted, or I have the wrong one.

  21. Hey there, have you done any lightmaps with the new KAurora? I've been trying to get one to work, and I'm running in to trouble.

  22. Now there's a face I haven't seen in a long time.

  23. Not a whole lot, and you are welcome to use what I showed you in the PM, just let me know, if not, that's okay too.

  24. I gave that info to DI a long time ago, and I only gave Hunter's Run permission to use the cape mod, don't get your hopes up too much. :)

  25. What version did you use? I would get your model that you exported from Max and run it through MDLOps 5.0. I want to say that version 6 had some issues with bodies, or maybe it's the other way around.

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