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Cyborg Ninja

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Status Updates posted by Cyborg Ninja

  1. That would be neat if he got back on here.

  2. That's a tough one. Before Specter would have been the insane one but now he's cooled down is fairly normal. I'd say they've both got the same amount of sanity right now

  3. that's cool, but first I need actually need to post which I've noticed ive been forgetting to do

  4. That's cool, I look forward to seeing what Katsu can do.

  5. that's cool, same here thanks to Spring Break :)

  6. That's neat, I finally started working on something

  7. That's perfectly fine

  8. That's the power of my ninja clan good sir. I'm on right now actually.

  9. The Geth make me happyface

  10. the next person you see hit in the face, That'll stir something up

  11. Things are getting a little busy at college for me, so I may or may not be able to join your new rp. I'll still be posting in Purge though. Now I'm off to debate what to do with Vakarr in my next post.

  12. Touche, now here's another. If a tree falls and no one's there to hear it, does anyone really care?

  13. True. I was thinking The CIS win the war via the death star plans, and palpatine and anakin are killed. The CIS begin pushing the Republic back until they're defeated. A Dictatorship is created and Dooku as the leader. The battle droids serve as eneforcers of Dooku's new Dictatorship and execute anyone who disobeys. So basically Most of the jedi and clones are dead so people have lost hope. Hmm... does this sound like an RP or a Fan Fic?

  14. Uh-oh...looks like I got about three days or Psycho's next

  15. Vakarr was close enough for the speed boost thingy (Yes that's what I'm calling it now), right?

  16. Very busy, studying for finals but after that 4 months of summer:bday2:

  17. Very nice touch with the red quincy abilities. You don't have to be a soul reaper if you don't want to and can keep your character as a quincy.

  18. Very true. I decided to make Takeda beserk for once. he needs a break from being quiet and calm.

  19. was there a specific time you wanted Xan to attack or a specific group?

  20. we could try doing another super hero rp, or something from another tv show or movie

  21. we haven't talked in a bit Skywalker, what's new with you?

  22. Welcome back by the way :) I'll see if I can get into contact with Archon for it and come up with something.

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