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Everything posted by Ulmont

  1. Suppose I will.

  2. It's an obama-style ezio, of course.

  3. Thankfully I can remember some of the file-names. It's probably titled g_a_class somethingorother, and if worse comes to worse, I can always re-build it. (It's identical to one of the armors that I uploaded to KotORFiles, 'cept with a different back logo)

  4. Tools, Guns, Keys to Super-weapons



  5. Uh, I think so... any particular reason why? (This may take awhile, I have to sort through about five different folders, one of 'em is over 80 gigs, if worse comes to worse, I'll just re-make 'em)

  6. 'Just finished me mando, I was wondering if you could get screenies, since the Helmet refuses to show up in the Anim browser.

  7. 3ds was crashing every time I tried to export it.

  8. Doesn't matter now, but it was a .MAX file.

  9. Eh no, just the ranked ones.

  10. Eh, I already did that, see the group for a link.

  11. Um, how bout pristine on the first mission, slightly dirty of the second, really dirty on the third-last?

  12. Yes, I have 3ds Max, and I'll send you the model as soon as I can.

  13. Not at all, go right ahead.

  14. Eh, those might work.

  15. Slow, Projectiles (Anything hard, and small), unknown, at least three.

  16. Is it too late to call now? (Sorry about the intermitant posting right now. I'm working on a few of my personal projects. Just gotta put in a little bit more work on 'em today. Almost finished.)

  17. $5. Ladies pay no cover. I'll provide the stands.

  18. Ooh, can I keep the head? I'm starting a buero for disembodied heads.

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