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Everything posted by Ulmont

  1. Just a few ATM, I'll send 'em to you along with the level so you can add Flare or whatever the other ARC is along with your textures. It'll probably e ready by this weekend.

  2. Um, can you biew all of your textures without UnrealED Crashing?


    (Go find an existing shader and duplicate it.

    Rename it (ex: clonetroopersarge_shader)

    Right click it and go to properties or edit or something like that

    Replace texture, might be skin (ex clonetroopersarge)

    That's it)

  3. Dunno. It just does. Wait... what's your problem with it, does it crash, or can you just not select anything?

  4. Double click the actor, go to DISPLAY (or was it DISPLAY ADVANCED), click SKIN, and change NONE to whatever your skin shader is called. Ex: CLONETROOPER_SHADER

  5. And all for one shabla TV Show. Shabu'droten.

  6. Mir'osik chakaar'e. Mandalorian pacifists indeed. So lets see, that basicilly kills...


    Legacy of the Force Series

    Republic Commando Series

    Anything pertaining to SW: Galaxies

    A slew of games, including Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

    Any books dealing with Montross, Myles, or Mereel.


  7. Vor'e vod'ika! Keep up the kandosii work. ^_^

  8. -_- Right. Umm... that's insane.

  9. Orbital Drop Shock Trooper.


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    You can find a detailed front/side/back/texture/Bump Map/etc here:


  10. Ehh... IDK. Alot. Ranked Troopers and Droids, A level, reskinned other suff... That's what I can think of off the top of my head.

  11. Oh, and as for Elite, I would have to say... oh... Combat, Flight, and Commando. I personally wear (when I play as an Sangheili) Combat Head, Assault or Commando Shoulders, and Flight Body.

  12. Ehh... I would have to say the top three defaults would be:


    1. Mk. V

    2. Security

    3. Scout


    I personally wear a combo of Classic and Hayabusa (Mk. V Helmet, E.O.D. Chest, Security Left Shoulder, Hayabusa Right Shoulder).

  13. I don't mean to bother you, but do you know how to Mod Fallout 3? And if so, could you create a .nif mesh of the ODST and Marine armors from Halo 3? I've been trying to for about a week now, and I'm stumped.

  14. Sure. What's your E-mail?

  15. Yup. Tiz me middel name! You can look me up on the B. Net as Ulmont Onasi (yeah KotOR Refrence FTW ^_^), which is also my gamertag. If you see anyone online with Ulmont in their name, it's probably me.

  16. Actually, it's my middle name. ^_^

  17. Thanks. It's my char in firefight.

  18. It's a static mesh. Under geonosis somewhere I think...

  19. Yeah, that's fine. Clones pick up different voice mannerisms. Just look at the differences between Delta squad's voices.

  20. 'K thanks. I've just about finished a script-ish thingie.

  21. Hey, can you send me some sample dialogue for the Fett Role? If you check out, I'll send you a script. Check out the group for more details.

  22. Ehh... sure. I'm a weeeeeee bit busy right now (what with work, classes, any my plethora of 3-d modeling projects) but I'll try to work on the skin in my free time. Oh, and I'll have to dig through my hard-drive for the map, so once I find it I'll send it to you.

  23. Mmm... Never tried one of those before. Sure I probably could do 'em. Why?

  24. Yeah. Blood, burns, dust, grime, you name it - I make it.

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