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Everything posted by Ulmont

  1. Eh, yeah, but I can't seem to get it to work properly. Ask hockey, I think he figured it out.

  2. Hockey, I hate to pressure you, but we really need that demo released ASAP. We don't want the arutii to duraanir any more...

  3. Su'cuy gar! That hat come with gravy?

  4. One. Who is Tracyn.

    Two. You do know that you have to say that every day of your life now, right?

  5. Ok, but hockey's the one in charge of the Demo release. Blast it I wish he'd... he'd... Who the haran is Tracyn?!

  6. Or you could try WinRAR, and see if you can upload in .rar format.

  7. Hoc'ika, they need the beta...

  8. I did. It whisked me away to your RPing thingie.

  9. Ehh.... I guess. Does rapidshare work for you? (I'm running out of space, only got like 7 mb left)

  10. Ah. So, how's it comin? (Did you figure out what I did to totally screw up the demolition sequence?)

  11. Dunno. Maby adding a new squaddie...

  12. Your missing the gunship crash tex? o_0 Ok, one upload comin' up.

  13. Nice Alpha Squad Avvy ad'ika. ^_^

  14. That's weird. Check out the group for the textures. (skinning thread)

  15. How's it coming? Do you need the ranked textures? (I'm uploading them with my next tutorial).

  16. Sure, I'll send 'em once I'm able.

  17. Huh? Hablas ingles porfavor.

  18. Oddly, it's a model file, you would have to change that.

  19. App looks good

  20. Check back on the thread ad'ika.

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