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Everything posted by Ulmont

  1. 'K thanks. Here, check these out. I used the PMBG01/PFBG01 instead of PMBG05/PFBG05, to give a slightly lower-tech quality to it.


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    I'll PM you the download link if you want it.

  2. I'll just post this here, since I already gave you two-pms. Ok, do we get to see a medium trooper?

  3. Ok. I now have a detailed map. I worked out some of the finer detailes, like what area the game will encompace, as well as the settlements. Here's another preview. Oh, and could you take some screenies? I can't find my game CD. :(

  4. Thanks. I'm adding in roads now. And some mini settelmets.

  5. Ok, the first preview is done. Download Link Here. Basically, I've outlined the three major areas. Landing Site, Villa, and Lake. The rest is just adding in textures, detail and filler.

  6. Ok, I'm almost done with the first preview of Krimount. I'll add some finishing touches, and then post it in the forum. I'll give you a download link so you can tweak it. I'm starting Kelbade soon too.

  7. Wait... You compose on the piano?

  8. Download 'em and then check out the map again.

  9. Ok, I got lucky and found it in the related files box. There's two of 'em actually. Here and Here.

  10. Thanks! As for your question, it depends on the map. I've been working on this map for years now. (Not solidy. A day here, a day here.) I've prabaly put in about 36 Hours Total into it. Personally I love making stuff like this. Maping for me is easy (I have been doing this forever now), but it can bee abit challenging to pick up. The Map Editor I used can be found HERE. The props packs is on that site somewhere, I'll give you a link when I find it again. It is loads of fun to make these thing BTW. I would say the hardest bloody thing is texturing it. Getting the right matchup is time-consuming. Feel free to tweak any of my work on it. (That's why I'm giving you the editor.)

  11. Ok, create a CUSTOMMAPS folder inside you Data folder. Then follow the below instructions.

  12. Ok, to get the map in-game do the following steps:


    1: Download it.

    2: Put it in you C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption\Data\CustomMaps folder.

    3: Run the game.

    4: Go to Singleplayer - Skirmish - Custom Maps

    5: Select Krimount (Might have some weird simbols after it)

    6: Select Rebellion as you Team, and Empire as Enemy Team

    7: Start the match.

  13. Oh, and I probably should have mentioned this:


    Details that should appear (Parts pack mod)


    A crashed STAR DESTROYER imbeded in the upper left had area of the map.


    A Freighter in the middle area of the map.


    That's what I know is part of the mod (off the top of my head). It's also the most visible. (Play as rebellion. Consortium isn't supported on the map, and empire doesn't start near the objects). You'll have some Mandos near your base that you can controll. Just select 'em, or the massive amount of Soldiers and move them over to the top right corner of the map. If there's a big crashed star destroyer, then it worked.

  14. Yeah, it's pretty epic. Ok, I'm not sure if you can view everything if you don't have the prop pack, so I'm gonna send you a map I made awhile ago. Just stick it in the custom-maps folder and load it in-game. LINKZIES


    Oh, and despite the name, this isn't actually Krimount. Meh, sorry, the actual one is one my other computer (the broken one.) I'll re-create it in a jiffy though.

  15. Right-o. Oh, and I need to know. Do you have the Adv-prop pack for FOC?

  16. If you can export the models into a .MA or .OBJ format, then I'll do them in Maya. (You won't get 'em for about 3-4 Month's though, as I have to wait 1 month for my Maya class 'cause I refuse to pay $3,000 for a years liscence, that plus another 2-3 months to animate everything)

  17. Oh, and for god's sake. Don't use Ages of Star Wars for the cutscenes. THE CHARACTER MODELS ARE TERRIBLY LOW-QUALITY. Trust me. I have it. (That and KotOR Files doesn't seem to accept mods that use content obviously taken from another game. I tried to submitt several launchers based off of screenshots taken from that mod, but they denied them all.)

  18. Team Fett. Check out the latest post there.

  19. Do you have EAW or FOC? (For explination, check out the tread in TF).

  20. Ok. I'm back. Check out the Beta Testing thread for more reports.

  21. Ok. I'm back. Check out the Beta Testing thread for more reports.

  22. Ok. I'm back. Check out the Beta Testing thread for more reports.

  23. Ok. I'm back. Check out the Beta Testing thread for more reports.

  24. Hey, sorry about being uncharacteristically quiet in the forum. My Grandmother just died (she was 94) and I'll probably won't be posting for awhile.

  25. Hey, sorry about being uncharacteristically quiet in the forum. My Grandmother just died (she was 94) and I'll probably won't be posting for awhile.

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