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Everything posted by Ulmont

  1. 'K. Can you E-mail me your Origional Geonosis so I can Fix the Demolitions Sequence?

  2. ...? The Origional?

  3. Yes, you have to do it every level. And for some reason, they won't follow squad orders. That means no demolitions, bacta, etc. You can revive 'em though. I guess you could duplicate one of the default squaddies and then change the mesh. That might work. I think I did that once, but I can't remember.

  4. 'K. Fist step is (of course) to add in another clone trooper.


    Now doubleclick on that trooper to open the advanced editor thingie.


    Now go to the AI tab. Look for the "bCanBeSquadMember" set it to true. Also set "bCanPreformSquadMarkers" to true. Now go under {Hidden} and set bCannotDie to True. Boom Instant Squaddie.

  5. Pretty Neat. I suggest that you add in another Squad Member. (I can give you a tutorial if you don't know how to).

  6. Ok, here's some screenies of the First Level.


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  7. A static Mesh in UnrealED?

  8. Alrighty, I'll look into getting the stuff into the Map Editor.

  9. Ok, I'm a little busy ATM, but I should be able to get you 'em soon. Oh, and do you know how to add new classes of 'Pawns' into UnrealED? (Like Clone Sargent, Captain, etc.)

  10. Hey, I just finished cleaning up my flibbity jibbits for RC, you want some of 'em? (I can get screenies if you want.)

  11. Ello ad'ika! Welcome to Lucasforums and the Guild of Mand'alors. Here's an entrance present - your avatar, but with a transparent background.


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  12. 'K. I'm pretty sure that there's a way to get .3ds or .obj files into it.

  13. Hey, if I gave you some .3ds or .Ma or .OBJ files, would/could you use them in your FOC mods? (I have some pretty awsome ships, land structures, etc that I really don't have any use for.) ;)

  14. Yeah, it's working now, thanks.

  15. Mird'ika, does UnrealED work for you?

  16. No idea sorry. Try the Rep Commando Help THingi here on LF. '




    On an unrelated note, is your name Scavanger-Man-34 or Scavan-German-34?

  17. Ehh? You mean on install, or an startup?

  18. Ah. Well, if you can use unrealed, I'll send you a couple 'o maps that I'd like cleaned up... (I kinda duplicated a rediculous amount of clone troopers which just murders framerate, but the rest of the map actually looks decent/beter.)

  19. Whew, thanks. BTW, do you use XP or Vista. Oh and the file is in your C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Republic Commando\GameData\Maps folder.


    If you could send me geo_01a.ctm and geo_01b.ctm.




    Can you use UnrealED?

  20. No, I just think that it's the worst animated models I've ever seen. Oh, and do you have SWRC for the Comp? 'Cause if you do, could you e-mail me (SirUlmont@hughes.net) the geo_01a.ctm file?

  21. Hey Bry'ika, can you save the KotOR Heads and Armors in .3ds form and E-Mail them to me?

  22. Tsh. Yeah. That's right.

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