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Status Updates posted by Ulmont

  1. Do you mind if I fiddle with you skins?

  2. Doesn't matter now, but it was a .MAX file.

  3. Don't remember, sorry. Oh, and remember to use alphatexture when you import the Nimbus Commando. I took off the knee pads. ;) (Still uploadin, its taking forever. Thank you 'GameFront')

  4. Done. Also, I finished a security officer skin (uploading to SVN). Can you get a screen-shot of it w/the vest/mask, please?

  5. Done. Can you make another trailer to Halo 2 OST 'Blow me Away' by Breaking Benjamin. I'll write up a sequence of stuff that should appear at certain time index's in the song.

  6. Done. Uploading now.

  7. Double click the actor, go to DISPLAY (or was it DISPLAY ADVANCED), click SKIN, and change NONE to whatever your skin shader is called. Ex: CLONETROOPER_SHADER

  8. Download 'em and then check out the map again.

  9. DR should be able to help you.

  10. Dunno, I don't go on Facebook.

  11. Dunno, probably. Personally, I'd suggest asking Prud'ika, he's a helluva lot better than me at skinning.

  12. Dunno, right now I'm really busy. I would suggest talking to hockey about it. I should be able to get back in the game sometime next week. (Or possibly over the weekend)

  13. Dunno, though that sounds cool.

  14. Dunno. It just does. Wait... what's your problem with it, does it crash, or can you just not select anything?

  15. Dunno. It'd be nice if it did though. You and CCP are the tech geniuses, why don't you ask him about it?

  16. Dunno. Maby adding a new squaddie...

  17. Duplicated the layer, then grey-scaled the base, and set the layer on top to 'multiply'. ;) And sure, I can do it with the heavy (the mercs too). I assume you want human blood splattered on him and not trannie blood?

  18. Eh I think I do. What did you delete them by accident?

  19. Eh no, just the ranked ones.

  20. Eh, any particular reason why? We're practically making this into a stand-alone game.

  21. Eh, I already did that, see the group for a link.

  22. Eh, idk. Maybe. Do you plan on sending me the revised models file containing the Imperial Army Trooper Helmet?

  23. Eh, sorry I just checked, all I have is the old helmets, your republic heavy stuff, and my medium/heavy armor.

  24. Eh, they're hard get to work right. You have to get the Alpha channel the right shade, then you gotta set it to be both transparent and double-sided, or else you'll get a weird see-through result.

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