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Status Updates posted by zbyl2

  1. Thanks! Yeah, it was a great Christmas gift :)

  2. OK then. Hope everything is all right after the hurricane.

  3. Did you get my PM?

  4. Why does your signature still point to an outdated TSLRCM 1.7? ;)

  5. Thanks!

    Nice update on RoR, by the way - assuming the skill system is done properly, it's going to add a lot of replayability :)

  6. zbyl2

    You should now be able to access M4-78 staff section on deadlystream ;)

  7. zbyl2

    Cool thanks. I'll make sure you have access to private forums sometime later today.

  8. zbyl2

    Can I get link to your profile? I tried looking for "LDR" but search function won't let me search for words shorter than 4 letters.

  9. Hey - check deadlystream when you get a chance.

  10. zbyl2

    Check out PM box at deadlystream ;)

  11. Already tried that, didn't turn out all too well. Not enough VOs really.

  12. Didn't write any yet, but yes, I have authorization to write a review if I want to :)

  13. Not sure yet but don't worry, we're getting there, slowly true but that's for quality's sake ;)

    There should be new "progress report" at deadlystream sometime within next two weeks, by the way.

  14. Nice one! Thanks and merry Christmas to you too :)

  15. Not at the moment, no; person responsible for storyline is kinda busy with RL at the moment, but I'm hoping we'll be able to finalize storyline this month, then work will go much faster (probably), and I'll be able to start making frequent public updates.

  16. Hey Logan,

    It depends on your influence with Disciple/Atton and Briann/Visas. If you have much more influence with Visas than Handmaiden, Handmaiden will be so pissed off that she will no longer talk to you. Then, you can be sure that Visas vs Brianna will trigger on Malachor.

    Same thing with Atton/Disciple - you need more influence with Diciple than Atton, it will trigger some cutscenes on the Hawk between these two and between Kreia and Atton. Then on Malachor, these two will fight.


    Party members vs Kreia will trigger as long as you have any party members remaining. If Brianna went to fight Visas, then obviously Brianna won't be present during attack on Kreia cutscene etc.

  17. Tienn's dialog restoration is pretty old mod, I didn't know how to get proper lip synch animations back then. So yes, it's a known bug.

    If I may suggest something, look for TSL Restored Content Mod by DarthStoney and myself - it restores this as well as lot and lot of other cut content in the game... and it has lip synchs for Bao and Tienn too ;)

  18. Sorry for late answer.

    As for your problem, do you have the FINAL version of mod? And do you have any other mods that might conflict in this scene?


    And just by the way, I would suggest to you to uninstall Un-restored Content and install TSLRCM instead (deadlystream.com). It restored much more content, and is overally much better mod ;)

  19. Yup, cut rooms in 906MAL are used as prison cells where you can find your party members.

    There were also some cut rooms in another module (903? 905? don't remember), I believe we put them back in also and filled with some dark Jedis.

  20. May I suggest if you put your new/fixed Force Powers into some kind of mod and release it, with edited 2da files and compiled scripts? Not everyone are modders, and not everyone knows what to do even after reading your tutorial-like threads.

    Just a tip, feel free to ignore me.

  21. Oh!

    That is definitely an original idea ;)

  22. You're saying about... Hutt with lightsaber!? That's awesome!

  23. OMG! Master Novotnus is learning about modding! :D

  24. Nigdy się z czymś takim nie spotkałem.

    Czy wystąpiły jakiekolwiek błędy podczas instalacji?

    Masz w folderze override plik 201shu.dlg? (nie jest edytowany przez tego moda, ale może być problemem) Jeśli tak, usuń go.

    Inne mody - posiadasz?

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