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Status Updates posted by Litofsky

  1. Everything has its uses, no? :p Care to elaborate on the difference between "俦们" and "朋友们?"

  2. Evil Mistress, you have been re-admin-erated! Congratulations on coming out of retirement!

  3. Fear not an excuse, good Sabre, for I have a tendency to forget things myself. *grumbles over forgotten homework*

  4. Flags and sentences. :p

  5. For great justice.

  6. Formerly-Republican. Democrats just swept the Legislative and Executive Branches of the Government. Life goes decently- I've got a mini-mid-term tomorrow. :/

  7. Go, start a gang-like-clan, and conquer prison.

  8. Goddammit Sabre, this is no time to be reading literature like a professor!

  9. Good idea splitting the UN thread, Jon. I probably need to step back and take a break anyway. :)

  10. Good Sir Jon, I extend greetings upon thee! I must rectify my lack of skyping, posthaste! *rushes to the secret door, proceeds with secret handshake, enters glorious secret chat*

  11. Good Sir Sithy! Your return shall be met with glorious trumpet bursts and a grand ensemble! Most excellent to have you back!

  12. Good sir, I bid greetings! I ask for forgiveness for my extended leave of absence, but I shall defer blame to the good ol' American education system and its exams (have finished and now have ten free days! :D). How has Sir Sabre been, dare I ask?

  13. Good sir, I shall view this video posthaste and reply to you with the same speed, all in a prompt manner. o_Q

  14. gorramit Sabre, get your rear quarters onto the skaipe before my body requires recharging!

  15. greetings O wise one; I come bearing petri dishes!

  16. Hail, President of Ahto. Do return and celebrate your victory, Darathy. :)

  17. Hail, Ahto Vice President! o_Q

  18. Hail, mimartin! Your avatar's the funniest thing I've seen in a while. It captures this situation very well, in my opinion. :p

  19. Hail, Rev! It seems that we have semi-similar avatars now. I wish you luck, your lion(sir? :xp:)!

  20. Happy New Year, you future-goer! I shall endeavor to be on the Elitist Skype soon enough, but in the meantime-> sleep.

  21. Have just logged onto the Elitist Posse and am awaiting further contact. *readies cigars and brandy*

  22. Hello, Siffeh! How goes your amazingly elitist life? Quite Obama-ish, I take it? o_Q

  23. Hey- I just wanted to pop by quickly and say that I'm not going to be able to make it on tonight (today, future-dweller!), as I've got to attend something tomorrow (and the rest of the week) for Chinese. However, I will be on tomorrow evening- we've got a chess game to finish (for me to win!). ;)

  24. Hey, Commander? Best to post your comments about the Election here. Otherwise, your comment will be deleted again.

  25. Hey, it's your RP, Tysy! Do whatever you feel will move the story along (and, for the love of irony, have Bastila destroy herself in some mental/physical way!). :p

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