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Status Updates posted by Litofsky

  1. That's good for now. Let's see what happens next. Good idea, by the way. :)

  2. The Dark Forces of Satan, Sabre, shall fall upon you like rain on earth, and then, and only then, shall you see the truth of your misguided ways!

  3. The ferocity makes it superior, Sir. The sheer ferocity.

  4. The names are interesting and, in some cases, just as important as the content.

  5. THE SMEARING SHALL NEVER BE OVER, SHALL IT your imperial majesty?

  6. There has been a disconcerting lack of BEE on SKAIPE :<(

  7. This is because the Influenza prevented me from going to school, thus forcing me to endure lovely examinations. Joy.

  8. This is most possible, Sabre, but not for two weeks (finishing Chinese camp and relative-visiting). After that, you will be defeated by my valiant knights!

  9. This... this must change. >.> Hmm. I must choose a new picture, sire. We must meet 'pon the Skype to discuss such changes. o_Q

  10. Tom Clancy is a very good author. I generally enjoy his stories.

  11. Unless they too suck the fun out of everything they see and touch. :p

  12. Very good, Comrade! SSPP is the wave of the future, and cannot, nay, shall not be ignored! Glory to the SSPP!

  13. Very interesting, was this not, Sabre?

  14. Very nicely done, Good Sir. With your help, it seems that we have a new ally (Hayden GS)! Well done, Rev! :golfclap:

  15. Via STEAM. I was under the impression that it was the only way to download the demo?

  16. Vonnegut did an excellent job. His use of irony was very well done, I found. The painting was the most basic example that I found, but he did a great job of slipping tiny little ironic/symbolic moments into the work.

  17. Vonnegut is most skilled, Sabre. I rather enjoyed his use of irony, especially the murder of the doctor and co-worker.

  18. Was there ever any doubt?

  19. We march to victory, Commander! And with your help (and potential recruitment of other members to our cause), victory shall soon become the future and the present!

  20. We must achieve victory, Ender! For the SSPP! For the good of Ahto!

  21. We shall collide at some point, Sire! Just... who the hell knows when at this rate. >.>

  22. We were that desperately in need of allies? I was under the impression that the US was in a decent position, allies-wise, after World War II (mainly due to the fact that the US was the only one with the A-bomb).

  23. Well then, I WOULD LIKE SOME 3.14159. PI iz delicious. Mmm, Pi. Oh, Sabre: Pi goes very well with a side serving of crazy. ;)

  24. Well, didn't MAD prevent us from destroying the entire world multiple times? No one wants to fire warheads unless they'll be around to enjoy the view at the end.

  25. Well, I was going a bit crazy with my avatars, and such. In the end, the Siberian Tiger proved the most useful. :p

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