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Status Updates posted by Darth_Yuthura

  1. Well I just updated Destined to Live and have taken a sedative, so I would prefer to not keep posting. I have a tendency to not remember what I post and would advise you not to get hooked on sleeping drugs.

  2. What's new? I suppose that nothing spectacular has happened and very little is expected to happen in the near future.


    Anything of interest going on in your life?

  3. An angry cat? That made me laugh... of course I know what it's like to have a cat freak out and use me as a scratching post, so that is something not taken lightly when you're the victim.

  4. Just writing the next chapter of 'Prior to Exile' that incorporates some of my major (geography) into the fiction. I think that if I write something, I might as well include a few things the readers can take with them. You?

  5. I meant it figuratively. In the end, most of what they left behind evaporated with the economy. So I guess that it really didn't matter anyway.


    If you're distracted, my advice would be to not push yourself if you can't focus on work. The best thing I think is to recreate when you can, but don't forget to come back to any obligations you have. Otherwise, it's miserable all the way through.

  6. They did, but there was the issue of a (literally) crazy aunt and decisive uncle trying to challenge such wills and it was horrid to see such greed from them for the reasons they did it.


    To people like your grandfather, I recognize the courage he put forth to step up to defend the state.

  7. Sorry to hear about that. I lost both my grandfathers earlier this year. I wouldn't have minded so much as it was my extended family fighting for who got what before the funerals were over.


    I hope that your family isn't having that kind of conflict as well.

  8. Thanks. I would advise not trying to follow my example. In writing so much, it detracts from more important things. Notice my three chapter updates at once? If I put that much effort into college, I'd have graduated years ago!


    How life going for you?

  9. Any new year will be better than the last one. Wish you the same. -DY

  10. I have an exam today and need to study for it, so it's not like I'm ignoring you or something. I will say that I appreciate the feedback on my poetry (It puts my name in front of the others at least for a while with no effort from me!)

  11. Okay, this is when I have to report to "Intro to Marketing"


    I will try to be online later today, so if you're online then... until then, I hope events go in your favor. Later.

  12. Well I didn't exactly get it retail. I figured that the best deal I could get wouldn't be any better than returning it... shipping costs would make all the difference. I also can't argue with the description, which said 'everything', but if the HD wasn't included, it wasn't part of the package.


    Still, I got it almost $70 less than retail value, so I'll be satisfied afterwards.

  13. How many guys have asked for your number? Is that common in the UK? I don't know how much that happens to the average US teenager. You once said you didn't like your appearance or facial qualities... it could mean that you're more beautiful than you give yourself credit for.

  14. I've got a lot of work coming up and I've got to do it, but don't have the drive. I've got a class in 30 minutes, so I have to log off in 20.


    My xbox came in, but with no Hard drive. I hate that is it regarded as an accessory, but I got a good deal for one. It'll still be another week before I have it.

  15. Doing pretty badly at the moment, but it was my own fault, so I can't whine. Are things any better with you since the last time?

  16. How's HOP doing? Glad that election is over? I just couldn't stand hearing the same messages repeated over and over again; and I was in one of the battleground states.


    Do you still have a cyborg with a blaster at your head that's forcing you to write? That was rich!


    Anyway, I guess I'm just interested to know if anything of interest has been going on in your life.

  17. One point? I hate those! Anyway, I'm just passing the time posting to and fro.

  18. Hello again.


    How has life been for Sophie in recent weeks? What do you know now that you didn't know this morning?

  19. Simple: I got into an argument and I was on the opposite side of three moderators. One was really bugging me about "links" despite the fact that he already knew exactly what he was asking me to post sites for!


    I was being an irritant for the fact that one of them explicitly lied and I knew it based on what he posted on an alternate thread. Of course, being a moderator excused him from everything that a normal user can't do... such as post worthless comments that aren't incitefull or enriching... at least from my perspective.

  20. Hello there. I heard that the Xbox 360 has an internet connection. Does that mean we could go head on head against each other online? (You'd beat my ass any day!)

  21. PS: I lie all the time, but I don't flat out say something that's not fact. I always use half truths. They're often the most likely ones you can get away with. Look at Bush and the lie that lead us to Iraq! lol

  22. Don't have Fable two. I've been considering getting an Xbox 360 recently.

  23. One other thing, I would like to post the chapter that you so kindly provided in my absence. I just have to go through and make some revisions, but it would be odd to have two of the same chapter from different individuals.

  24. It's over!


    The ban has officially been lifted and I have been welcomed back. Never again will I try to argue against THREE moderators at the same time!

  25. Hi there. I guess I was expecting to get a lot of messages when I got back from the THREE moderators I was harassing. I could not believe I found myself on the opposite end of the scale from so many moderators in such a short time. I'm afraid of posting another comment on that thread.


    Anyway, thanks for dealing with me and those who were asking about me last week.

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