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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. When I was talking about 'signs' I didn't mean to say I followed anything. I do believe it's up to people's decisions because... well, if it isn't our decisions, then what is it?

    If a god is looking over life, then he's doing a pretty bad job. I think all of us 'non-believers' will be a bit gutted if we die and discover god does exist lol


    It'd be great if the force existed, but it would create a dozen more problems, wouldn't it? I mean the planets already going down hill, the last thing we need is a bunch of crazed force sensitive murderers :lol:


    But then it'd make helping people that much easier.

  2. I like the idea too. This summer has been very 'on your own', for me, really, so working together with some people on something I enjoy doing is great.


    If I look at Star wars now, I think the religion of Jedi is amazing, and I would definitely, if given the chance, be one. Though, if you put it into reality, I don't really believe in any of the religions, I only think there's 'something'. I don't know if you're following this but... if a religious person asked me to be a priestess, I'd just say 'shut up, it's a load of rubbish.'


    I wish Jedi was a religion. lol.

  3. Same, really. I don't really enter competitions, though I have done with poetry, to get kind of 'noticed', so when it comes for me to actually publish something I'll have a 'resume' of things to back me up.


    I've only won one so far, and the reward was a bit lousy. But of course I'm not in it for the reward.


    I can't explain how much I love writing, and competitions make it sound like it's a game. To me, it isn't a game - it's a lifestyle. :^:


    ps I think I've lost K2...

  4. Well it's not confirmed. I just said I liked the idea of it.


    What I hate about something ending, though, is that the fanfiction becomes limited or contradictory. Ah well...


    Have you ever thought of entering the fanfiction competitions?

  5. Oh, lucky for you :xp:

    To be honest I'm not expecting a 3rd KOTOR RPG for console/PC.

    How would they even do it? KOTOR is an RPG, but the story is based on Exile and Revan, so you can't really RP it very well.


    I don't get why everyones annoyed about the MMO though. I rather like the idea that they haven't forgotten about the game... even if it is online, and my computer doesn't have the memory/graphics for it lol

  6. I prefer K1, despite the fact Mira and Bao-Dur are in K2. How strange lol.


    Well my friend told me about it, really. I wasn't really a Star Wars fan at the time, but I loved RPGs so I decided to give it ago. Who knew that 4 years later, I'd be writing fanfictions about it on a forum? :lol:


    How about you?

  7. I just had Juhani hit on me. *shudder*


    Anyway, you love making fun of Atris. I love making fun of the Disciple. But who can blame me, really?


    I haven't played K2 in ages. I just can't be bothered with Peragus. I wish there was a cheat to skip it lol

  8. It is difficult to imagine love AND hopelessness with a bit of hope, still.

    Ahh, I'll just write and see where I end up.


    I'm talking to Yuthura on K1. :o she doesn't believe I want to join the sith... Well, I am lightside, but still.

    Tell me if this is weird, but when you talk to her, and she starts laughing saying 'it's good calling you a friend' or whatever, does it make you a bit sad? lol

  9. Oh yeah... Well, let's hope people see all of this writing and can't be bothered reading it :lol:


    besides, Bastila loved Revan! I've never loved anyone, so thaat's how I don't know.

    I can imagine, though.

  10. Hmm, I've never had hope for someone return for 5 years though.

    I've never even had hopelessness for someone to return. I usually just tried to forget them.

    Damn Bastila and Carth for being persistent...


    Honestly, I think if Bastila still misses him, it wouldn't just be 'he might be there, but I doubt it, so I'm not going to be too bothered.' if I was in the situation where there was possible proof of someones return, no mtter how much disappointment I'd endured, I'd still want to get there as soon as possible, and still feel hopeful.


    I don't think hope TRULY disappears.

  11. I'm planning on catching up on sleep, this holiday. It'll be relaxing and tiring at the same time (I dont know how holidays have that effect). And if I'm not tired before 3, I'm going to log off and force myself to sleep.


    I'll try to get the emotion across in this chapter, I don't think it'll be too difficult, but the thing is I've forgotten what it was like to get disappointment after disappointment... now it's just expected, so it's not really 'hopeless', it's just 'whatever'. Are they the same things? >_>

  12. I think that about sums it up.


    Now's just to put that into practise.

    All these Jedi have problems with controlling their emotions, and I need more of them! I'd be a great Jedi - I'd never fall to the darkside :D I think.

  13. Well, since you've decided in your part, to leave the Ebon hawk crew on Dantooine, then I can go ahead with what I planned. The Republic will tell them that they've seen an enclave in process of rebuilding and sightings of Jedi. As to why the Republic is on Dantooine? Simply out of request of Bastila, via Carth.


    So theres a glimmer of hope, but they're not expecting it to be what they think... which is true.

  14. No? I haven't editted any messages :confused:


    Hmm, I think I might actually know how they feel. Because I had a friend that I really cared for and they moved away. And when the phone rang, or I heard something about them I got hopeful, just to find out it wasn't what I thought.

    Five years, though? I guess hope would be completely depleted.


    Thanks. :)

  15. What I was going for was an 'Oh, it might be Revan, but don't count on it' kind of hope.

    Kind of... 'we may as well check.'

    Is that what you meant?

  16. yeah, I think I've got all those ideas covered in the 'plan'. :) Good, good.


    And by the end of it, I plan to create a sense of hope, but the reader will know it's false, because evidently, they know it isn't Revan rebuilding the order. Which could come across as kind of sad.



  17. I hope I did alright in the Bastila and Carth scene. I mean, it's not finished yet. Also, do you think I got their characters right? I tried to put myself in Bastila's shoes, and think like her (it's hell). I thought I'd try a character that was a bit annoying, because I picked all my favourite characters, otherwise.




    And sure, you've got yourself a deal.

  18. It's a pain because interviewers think it's because I'm 'nervous', (because i fidget, look about, am restless all the time) but it's just habit. Though it gets worse when I AM nervous. Glad to know we have something in common :^:


    Yeah I noticed some nice changes in your Katarr descriptions. I'm glad I'm helping :) of course I'm still struggling with emotion a bit, which is a big pain.

  19. Hmm... well I tend to have the picture in my mind at all times, and it's usually a very strange picture... likethe room being a certain shape, or certain objects (that usually don't make sense) in the way. I tend to make it as difficult for the characters as possible, which helps because negative imagary is always easier than positive imagary. It's fact.


    for example...

    In the thing I'm doing with Bastila and Carth, the room is almost completely empty. So I like to describe the lack of sound, the lack of movement, (in my head the room is bright white, but the readers don't know this... I tend to have really obnoxious colours, which help with the mood of the room.)

    When I'm talking about people I miss in real life, or things similar, I tend to get nervous or fidgetty... I pause a lot, I look about... and so I try to put that into the characters I'm describing.

    Hope that helps.

  20. I think I had enough lectures on geography, from my geography teacher :lol: I remember once I got so bored with his monotonous talking, that I was completely unaware that he had strayed from the front of the class, walked behind me and smacked me across the head with a newspaper (of course I realised when the newspaper hit me...) lol


    anyway... do you mean descriptions between dialogue?

  21. I hate putting the [ I ] etc. in, too. they're so time consuming!


    And I do favour words, but they change with time. When I had a more simple vocabulary I liked the word 'haste' or 'materialise'. Now I like words like 'conspicuous' simply because of their sound lol but I reframe from saying them too much, despite this.


    And I get what you mean, because my vocab doesn't come easily to me in conversation, so people think I'm a bit stupid. Oh, how I am underestimated. :xp:

  22. to the first post: I think I could have done better in maths if it wasn't for my bad history in that field (lots of moving about and teachers quitting etc.) but that's just an excuse.


    to the second: :lol: it is off the top of my head. I use a thesaurus to find some synonyms (like for the word hope which I think I've used a grand total of 5 times) but only in those situations.

    I think it's easy, but that's just because I've been practising for 6 years. I read a lot. a lot.


    I even put italics in for you. :D

  23. Great additions. I love the contrast between the river and the prophecies. She could probably become so sure that the prophecies are untrue, that she decides not to tell anyone else, simply out of self-certainty. And then on the last minute, with Mira, she finds that maybe that was a mistake.


    I've updated mine a bit, too. A few more paragraphs added on. Rough, of course.

  24. It's selfish in the fact that other people gave their ideas, and I improved upon them :lol: my ideas were usually unique anyway, everyone elses were just suggestions or 'maybes'. I turned them into definite and got the best grades (A, A*) in my coursework.


    But despite that, I had my bad subjects... like maths and history. I was predicted a B in maths, but the teachers didn't believe I could get it, so I was put on a paper where I could only attain a C. I feel cheated, but I guess they were right.


    I'll read the added stuff, now.

  25. I tended to just take the annoying 'treating us like idiots' thing, and then prove them wrong in my work. Though for some reason, I find the atmosphere in college (went to an taster day) a lot friendlier and easier to ask questions. High school (not sure if its the same in America) is kind of intimidating. Not that I was intimidated... but the teachers are stubborn. They don't like admitting the students are right... and if they are right, they say they're wrong, then steal their ideas and claim it was THEIR method!


    Happened to me countless times.

    So I decided not to say anything, and keep my ideas to myself. Selfish, but I was sick of it.

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