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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Yeah people do tend to get grades they don't deserve. I know that it's more than grades, but to PROVE that you're at least to be taken seriously, you need the grades. An employer won't even look at you if you have all Ds and below.


    I really worked hard in my GCSEs, but I slacked off a bit at the end... I just hope it didn't have an affect on my grades. though the strange thing is, I handed my Art BTEC course in unfinished... and if I didn't get anything below a C... then... I must have passed. :confused:

  2. You just made me feel like a complete idiot, at maths! The highest I can get is a C. Well, I was predicted a B, BUT the teachers are idiots and cheated me onto the lower paper.




    I got an A* on my GCSE results (don't know what for) and I didn't get anything below a C. ee. I can't wait to see how disappointed/thankful I am at myself tomorrow, when I see all the grades.


    Sunburns doing alright, still hurts, but I can move them a bit more. :) At least now the sun isn't bearing down on the burns. Plus my freckles have come out, and I hate them lol

  3. Yeah, I too hated how Revan just suddenly became a typical evil Sith on the dark side. Bastila was the same!


    I look forward to reading your perception of the ending, then. :^: I'm just glad to be back home and able to play KOTOR again.

  4. That's a real pity about your sister. Why did she get expelled? Some stupid rule like punctuality?

    The sunburn is easing up, still hurts to move my arms, but I still do it, unlike before when it just burned to try.


    I was on the phone to my mum and she has my GCSE results. She told me I have an A* (90-100%)! and nothing below a C.



  5. :lol: Sure, I could read it and give some feedback. Not now, because I've just got back off holiday, and it's late. But tomorrow, yeah.


    What's it about?

  6. I'm back now.

    It's SO good to be back! The smell of polluted air, the cloud cover, the coldness.

    Ahhh, perfect.


    And clothes are difficult to buy anywhere! Especially with every shop having different sizes for different numbers because they can't count. 'Oh I'm a size 8 here, a size 10 there and a ... what?! size 12 there?'

  7. We're magic. :D


    And they say boys are the ones who are supposed to be good with numbers? Liiiies.


    And don't you worry - my next book will be titled "Speedos - the end of an era".



  8. BTW, those tombs?

    I've started them, if you still want them. Sorry about the delay.

  9. Maybe I do...


    ...But the twins not as good looking as I.




    I kid.

  10. :lol: no! I'm in Tenerife.


    Why, let me guess... you saw someone who looked like me?

  11. Why thank you. :^: I appreciate the compliment.


    And also, welcome to the forums!

  12. Hey there, I see your post total has risen :xp:


    Seen the pazaak deck thread? I think I'll either make my own, or if I can't, I'll buy some. I have one friend who'd be interested, and thats enough!


    How is life in America?

  13. yeah Americas DDs are the same as Englands. :lol:

    It also depends on the number, too, though! Remember that.


    If you dont become primeminister or president now and abolish over aged speedo wearing, I'm going to have to disown you!




  14. Excuse me, I said 'sod off' in the nicest way possible :lol:

    I'm joking, of course.

    Speak to you tomorrow night, maybe. :)

  15. Lmao eavesdropper. :xp: I guess it's allowed SINCE it's a three way conversation.


    But anyway Im tired now. I'll have to leave you and HOP to converse about old men in speedos. Have fun, and it was good talking, as per usual!

  16. Ahh, she and I have something in common :lol: anyway, moving swiftly on.


    If you go into politics, I WILL accompany you on that campagne! We will stomp out over aged speedo wearing, even if it kills us! Because seriously, it's already killing us, now.


    And I won't bug you, if you're typing your story. I'm off pretty soon anyway - eyes are starting to close on me.

  17. Sorry, but HOPs comment on the rock and the fish - :lol: I couldn't help myself. Poor fish.


    And I know! But let's also remember, the one in England will be joining college soon, and she will either be too tired to concentrate on three way conversations, or wont be online much, at the same time as the other two...


    I hate how alcohol can control you. When I'm sober, I like to think I'm respectable, nice and fun. But when I'm drunk I just... eurgh. If you knew the things I'd gotten up to. *shakes head*

  18. D is the biggest size?! How old is she? How does she do it? :lol: Actually, I feel sorry for her. They are annoying. Sizes here go: AA, A, B, C, D, DD, E, F. After that you need them made especially for you. What is it in America?


    This is the weirdest conversation I've had online to a guy. :confused:


    Anyway... guys are lucky. They can wear shorts, and that's that! Though the ones that wear speedos are a bit disturbing lol. Especially since theyre always OLD men.


    DY: Obsidian was a choice, but Oscar simply had a ring to it. :^:


    & I know! Let's celebrate with... erm. Pazaak!

  19. It was partly the alcohol, partly the fact I'd fallen out with a few friends, partly the cat thing.

    I just did not care about myself at that point, so I figured 40 cigarettes wouldnt be bad.


    I dont mind if you have, you're old enough. Wise enough, even, to know when to stop, I'm sure.

  20. Wow, aren't you good spirited? You've added a point of respect to your name, from me, because of that. :^:


    Theres nothing like that around here, but when I go to college, I plan to join something similar. They have community services, and help courses, and I really want to join. I also plan on joining a creative writing club after college, but thats another story.

  21. Very true. Though I wouldnt wish cancer on anyone. My old best friend from high school's mum died of cancer, and when she told me I just didn't know what to say. I simply froze. Probably a bad time to freeze up, ey?


    Irony will happen! I love writing irony, though, because it's messing with made up people... but if there's a God up there who's really just a writer and he thinks hes messing with made up people, he's sadly mistaken!


    At my party I smoked 40 cigarettes. I'm very much ashamed.

  22. Haha D is nothing!


    I mean... poor her. :xp:

    She looked upset, that girl, but she was on a dolphin! She couldnt stay sad for long lol. Waterslides bring more trouble than good... I went on one, and couldnt be bothered changing out of the bakini on the way out, so I put my clothes over it. And two round patches of water appeared on my top T_T my sister and dad were in hysterics.

  23. It depends what kind of community service it is. But I do think hard work pays off more than money does. It's just htat money ALWAYS gets in the way... that's the problem. I suppose without money, there'd be havok, but if we get smart enough and invent droids, we'll be fine!




    Heres my wishful thinking lol


    Of course it'll never happen, but in my fantasy world, everyone smiles all day long whilst robots clean the streets.

  24. Everyone whos died in my family, has died because of smoking or other cancers. So I sort of want to give it up for them.

    Of course if you don't breathe the smoke in, you won't be addicted! lol the smoke isnt going into your body. It does ease stress, though, but only because it gives you something to do. I guess in some ways, it's like self harming. Well... it IS self harming.


    alcohol doesnt just affect you when you're drunk, and neither do cigarettes when you're smoking it. Its a horrible feeling craving alcohol and cigarettes. It's like that's all you care about, but it isn't all I care about... thats why I hate it.

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