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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. We have SATs but I took them 2 years ago. I feel sorry for the people who just took their SATs, because the exam boards messed up and lost their results :lol:

    I'm going onto A-levels next.

  2. Sure thing!

    So what do you think makes a good leader?

    I think that someone who can think on their feet, a great communicator, someone who can inspire people, but won't give in to their requests, unless it benefits everyone.

  3. Well if we're talking about college, then okay. :xp:


    College might be difficult. I won't be in as much as I was in school, but I'm taking an extra class on Creative writing and it looks so strict.

    Wow, my GCSE results are in on Friday. Do Americans get results like that?

  4. Well, I wouldn't want to give up an argument, myself, so I say find some proof. Proof that PROVES his proof wrong. If you can't, then you'll have to ask if he can provide proof, and if he can, I guess you've lost. Even if your way is logically correct.


    Either way, it's too early for that lol I've come up with some names for K3, but they were just things I came up with in like 5 minutes.

  5. You haven't slept yet? Osh, don't let that become a habit. I had a nice sleep which is strange, because when I'm excited, sleep is usually impossible.


    And 11 in my time... so it'll be 6 in your time.

  6. Wow you're up early lol

    I've got an afternoon flight (hurrah) so I'm not leaving until 11ish. But I've got a horrible stomach ache... Fantastic.


    How are you?

  7. I'm so glad I'm not American :lol: I pity you! I got projects over the Summer, last year, but that was because I was doing my GCSEs.


    I'm hoping to be online a bit, because I'm taking my laptop with me. Obviously, I can't stay on for long, because laptop batteries never last long without the charger (and I need to sit in the reception without the charger).


    I can't wait to go - even the airport part! I love flying - ee. Well, that is until I run out of things to do... then I just want it to end asap.

  8. I was so zombie-like, I fell asleep at the laptop, AFTER I switched it off. :lol: I had a nice 3 hour sleep.


    I'm going to be starting on QFR at long last, whilst doing the Bastila bit for K3 when I get inspiration to write it. Good luck with your chapters!

  9. I'm so tired, but I can't sleep now, or else it'll be all for nothing lol I think a cup of tea is appropiate now. I didn't like the chapter, because it took so long to do and it feels patchy.


    Anyway, good morning to you, and I'll post tomorrow. BTW, I won't have the Bastila piece done til during my holiday. Just a warning.

  10. That does make sense. We haven't thought of anything like that... we just continue to make flats anywhere and everywhere.

    There were a few idiots in my Science class in school, who didn't know why we needed plantlife to live.



    This is the ignorance I have to put up with! Well, hopefully not anymore. :^: but you know.


    And it's not uninteresting, I like talking about things like this.

  11. Oh I know. I used to recycle before it was enforced on everyone, so I guess it's easier now, having the recyclers come to you, instead. But still... so much organising. I'm a messy person. These things don't compliment my lifestyle at all :lol:


    I saw something on an advertisement poster the other day... they plan to make Britain greener. I thought it was hilarious, because Britain's NEVER going to be greener. They're making flats like there's no tomorrow, because houses can't be bought, and technology is replacing everything.

  12. There are a few argumantitive people on this forum :lol: though that's to be expected. Everyone argues, whether they like to believe it or not. But aimless arguments - bleh, I hate them.


    I can't say I understand a lot of geography, but I do understand that getting renewable energy will either be unrelyable or expensive. Solar panels are supposed to be really expensive, and they've already been used for years. I don't know how we'll cope when we run out.


    I do hate the extra effort we've had to put into recycling though. I mean, I'm all for recycling, but I have 4 bins in my garden! glass, paper, blah blah. It's a pain organising it all. Some things I don't even know whether they're plastic or glass. :confused:


    BTW, I hate that chapter. It was like a 'practise' thing, and I came through on the Carth/Bastila bit, better. Figures.

  13. Actually, I'd like to know I have my facts right before I go headfirst into an argument. Though, sometimes I can't be bothered and just go 'neutral' in the argument, so in some ways... I'm arguing, but no one knows which side I'm on. :^:

    Only if I'm lazy though.


    I don't believe a lot of what the media feeds us. It's been wrong so many times. I don't trust adverts, I don't trust the news... but some is hard to ignore. Chances are, if the news says 'a maniac killed someone for NO reason!' there WAS a reason, but they like to portray the person as a maniac to get readers.


    A lot of it is true, but they always miss out on important details.


    finally I've got the the 2nd Huntress chapter done. That's a weight off my shoulders. You done anything more on SiD?

  14. Yeah, I tried to argue with someone who had a truck load of proof to back him up. (this was concerning drugs), so I obviously lost the argument... but only because he had years worth of this stuff, and he started the argument with me. I had no chance.


    It's hard to argue with someone who has proof... because if you have none, you don't know whether they are right or wrong.

  15. I think everyones entitled to their opinions, but if someone doesn't know everything about a situation, they shouldn't be allowed to argue their case. Or at least, they shouldn't. I guess though, they think they're right, too. There's no compromising with that. They think you're wrong, and they're right.


    Arguments at my age are basically, who can speak the fastest, say the wittiest thing, and sound the most humerous to those surrounding the ones who are arguing. Sometimes the outcome doesn't even make sense, because most people my age think the world is wrong and they're right. I guess I can't argue, because I think I'm right lol but you never know, maybe I am.

  16. No, I let them know, but at first I was just really annoyed and wanted to have a go at them. After my computer shut down and I reloaded, I had time to relax and just told them that they were being selfish and inconsiderate and so on so forth.


    I hate people who argue for no reason. I also hate it when people disagree, just to annoy someone. People like that need a straightjacket lol.

  17. Oh, don't you worry, I'm exactly the same! :xp: I love starting a new term and being the one everyone thinks is a super genius. Of course I try to maintain that throughout the year, but I get lazy. In fact, I think the first week is easiest, because I'm so determined to hand in my homework and such.


    College is going to prove to be a challenge. It's so strict!

  18. I can handle two conversations, unless you'd rather log off.


    And people need to let their anger out sometimes. If they didn't, they'd be a bomb waiting to explode... especially in todays society lol.

    Although, before, I was about to start an extremely angry rant about how people are selfish and such, because I saw (on deviantart) that someone said the poor are ungrateful and pathetic etc. but my computer shut off, randomly. That's the kind of 'sign' I guess I'm talking about. I would've got nowhere with the rant, really, because people like that - their opinions can't be swayed, and I'd end up annoying myself over nothing.


    The best approach is to not let hate overwhelm you, but tell them that they're simply wrong. Not scream it into them. Or punch it, even!


    Get what I'm saying?

  19. I know what you mean, that's part of why I write so much in the summer. I mean I love writing, but it keeps my mind working properly. It's scary when I go back to school (or in this case college, hehe) and people say "wow I haven't written anything in 7 weeks... my hand feels weird." It's absurd, really.

  20. Yup. Though it isn't just grades you need. People tend to forget that. I can't wait for college, it looks so awesome... but I bet it's nothing special.

  21. Yeah, but they're changing it soon, so that you have to stay in school til you're 18.

    I hate it, because we're basically turning into America.



    Good on ya' for wanting to go to college (University!) :)

  22. Don't worry about me, I've decided to pull an all-nighter, so I'll be shattered for tonight and fall asleep quicker for the holiday.


    It is strange how religion probably causes more problems in the world, than anything else. It's kind of ironic. These are the kind of things that seriously annoy me - in some respects, followers of religion are evil. Thinking their causes rise above the rest. "Oh, you can't have a war... UNLESS it's for god!" Oh, they need to keep their opinions to themselves.


    I think the jedi religion is right though... keeping control of emotions. I think that somewhere along the lines it got corrupted and they thought it meant 'have no emotion'. But really it should simply be control.


    You should be allowed to hate... just not let it influence you. Some people find that difficult... but Jedi should not.

  23. Religion causes problems. It's a 'popularity contest' now.

    Saying that, I am legally a Catholic (IMO the worst Christian belief in existence) because I was baptised. I just don't believe in it.

    Besides, I never understood how any religion can tell its leaders they can't love/have a family. >_> isn't that the CONCEPT of the religion?!

  24. Yeah I think it's hilarious how, in Christianity, they say 'do gods will, now, and be rewarded in heaven!' of course, waste your life devoted to something that may not exist, and then die. Chances are, it won't exist, but let's do it anyway!


    I think the concept of christianity is good natured, but it's gone too far. They're supposed to help others, yet they're trying to sue a children's favourite novel (Harry Potter), and put an end to entertainment as we know it!


    I'm sure Harry Potter was a test from God, to see who rose up to make their beliefs public. Of course it was.



  25. A lot of people say that I'm selfish. The thing is, I've actually helped them countless more times than they can remember, and they've done nothing for me. I think that's what happens to a lot of people who try to help - they're taken for granted.


    That's what you see in K2, as well. Despite the fact that the Jedi helped the Republic, people see them as useless for holding back, and then turning on them... even if some of them didn't do that.


    Don't you agree?

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