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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Wow, determination. If I was told I would have to go to a Spanish camp during the summer holidays for FIVE weeks, doing projects, if I did well... I'd just say no. I'm sorry, but whilst it may help in the future, I would never destroy my childhood in such a way! :xp: besides, Summer is lazy time.


    I can't say you've missed out on too much to do with K3, except DY and I messaging each other about small things and stuff you skipped in the K3 posts. I also drew Revan and Exile, buut this connection is very limited and won't let me upload them. Lame.


    I know, I'm lucky hehe. Everyones been so ill, having nosebleeds and whatnot! All I had was feeling sick in Manchetser airport... and that was just due to something off that I ate. :lol: though I've lost my appetite and I NEED a haircut...


    Osh, your phone broke? That's unfortunate. Hopefully you'll get all your friends numbers back when you get back to school. :) and my camera still takes photos, I just... can't see what I'm taking. And indeed, a guy. He's actually surprisingly decent. But these Russians keep coming up to us and shouting "sexxyyyy" >_>; it's becoming old.

  2. Oh, I say hola instead of hello, sometimes... but that's just because I get bored of English words. I mean, come on, I'm a writer!


    How come you have to go to school in the Summer anyway? And isn't school only like 2 weeks away? I wouldn't really call that relieving :lol: 5 weeks of Spanish, projects, and school a few days later...


    The volcano was amazing. :) I was the only one that wasn't ill/refusing to go up it. The air was really thin though, and I found myself breathing like when you're tired from running, but I wasn't tired.


    other than that, cameras broke but I've found an interesting guy! :lol:

  3. hey HOP.

    I take it you're back from Spain now. :D still speaking English?

    I haven't got any of the K3 thing done - I know, it's shameful! But I've been preoccupied with volcanoes, holiday friends, and a crazy welsh woman. No time, I tell you!


    I think the heat is getting to me, I'm starting to act strange lol. I haven't burnt yet, god knows why not, and I've discovered I'm as pale as you get without being dead/a sith.


    So, hows your story? Hows it like being home?


  4. This is going to sound kind of embarrassing on my behalf... but I don't know what those words mean lol. Either way, it was amazing! My sister/her friend/dads girlfriend were too scared to go up, and my dad ended up almost fainting, up there, though. >_>

    I also befriended a rock on it, called it Oscar, and the security guards yelled at me for 'thieving'.


    And that maintenance was so annoying! I'm glad it's up now. :)

  5. Wait - there's something going on but there isn't? :confused:


    And I know bits of French and Spanish, enough to get by lol but I'm terrible with languages. Besides, English is the most difficult language to learn - I don't blame them.


    I haven't really gotten round to writing - my days have been jam packed. >.<

  6. that IS strange. Maybe you should ask about it. And it doesn't matter what's more significant lol


    Eurgh. Eurgh. I shame myself! Never again am I drinking. What makes it worse, is my sister locked me and her friend out of the bedroom by accident >_> so I was stuck on the couch all night. I also fell asleep at the computer so... sorry for not replying.


    We're going up the 12,000 foot volcano today! Anything adventurous happening near you?

  7. 10pm today? or tomorrow?

    Well, I'm online tonight, because well... I can't sleep. Why does your father demand stuff from you? You're old enough to be treated normally.


    My holiday has been quite interesting so far lol I got chatted up at the bar by some guy from London. I've made a bunch of friends, and yes I gave into drinking, but I didn't get totally drunk. Maybe a bit, but I'm in control of myself. Thank god.


    I haven't written any more on K3, but I hope to, soon. I don't want to keep you and HOP waiting.

  8. I had logged off before I got that message... but only because the internet cut off (now I understand how you feel!)


    I've discovered I have a built in defence mechanism... my sister just tried to give me some shoes, and I grabbed them, spun around, and guarded myself with my elbow lol we just sort of stopped, stared, and said 'what the hell?'


    Anyway, enough of my life. Hows yours?

  9. When I'm playing chess (which isn't a lot) I go for checkmate, but I don't just abandon the defences! I want to win, but what's the use in winning if you're struggling for most of the match to stay in game?

    I am a bit of an idealist, but like I said, I want to get my opinion across. I don't like being ignored. Though if I'm not involved, I generally do sit on the fence, and try to influence the outcome by agreeing with both. However if it's a topic close to my heart, I have to get involved.

  10. I don't think I've ever heard (or read.. in this case) a guy admit that before... they're always so persistent to back themselves up, when seriously, the male culture definitely has a lot easier life than the female. I mean, we're still paid LESS in the same jobs. Not that I'm obsessed with womens rights or anything. I just think it's stupid when guys say they have it worse.


    I don't know what I tend to opt for. I really don't know, now I think of it. I like the idea of speaking from a male POV, because it's... different. I think the one thing guys have the worst of, is they have to live up to expectations - always strong, more dominant (apparently...), not emotional, has to surround himself with male friends... I think that stereotype has truly ruined a lot of guys personalities.

  11. Yeah, I don't think any good leader would lead his clans into war, with their losses.

    And I wasn't implying he have PTSD, like I said... it's just not Canderous lol.


    The idea is good, though it is your decision, as he's your character. it's strange you should have more trouble with a male character. I'm glad I picked a nice balance of male and female, now. :^:

  12. :lol: sorry.


    I think during the clash with Atris, it could be mentioned, which leads Alayna to watch it again, and have it on her mind for a short period of time. Maybe another chance for a Bao-Dur and Exile scene :o what do you say?


    Bastila is obviously going to argue on the councils side. Especially against an exile... though she's no where near as bad as Atris. You see her change towards the end of K1, and the holocrons insinuate she's not as self absorbed and obsessed with the Jedi council - more with Revan. She'll respect the people in power, but not to the point of being absolutely in love with their ideas. She admitted herself, they can be ignorant.


    ps. if it wasn't for the council, I'd probably be more for the jedi.

  13. I think I write like I think. Obviously more in character with my stories...


    Obviously, I've never been to war, either. But I've learned of war. Three years ago, we were learning about WWI I think it was, and we had to write a 7 day diary of a soldier in the war. Teacher said mine was the most emotional, most realistic and most convincing. Which shocked me, because I hate the concept of war. I even did a poem, and won £10 for it! I think that's the most I've ever been complimented/awarded in school :lol:


    Fact remains is, if you can look at Yuthura and understand her, you should try to understand a man who has gone to war, does not regret it, but feels that those actions had terrible consequences, and perhaps it was not worth it. I can't imagine Canderous being the traumatised-due-to-war type, though, somehow. :xp:

  14. Hey, you're the sith follower, not me! lol

    I'm looking forward to working on it with you, too, and HOP. I think, with our different approaches, we can really make this story a good one. As long as we're accepting of the others.


    I drew the Exile and Revan on the plane - with several interruptions from my sister, might I add - and I rather like how they've come out. I also had an idea for the OCs - why not put one of us in the story? More realistic, easier, and it works. Of course we'll have to put minor adjustments in lol but that's easy.


    I hate random conflict. I hate it. Unless it's emotional conflict. That's good. Are we going to go ahead with the Of Mice and Men parallel thing? I reckon it gives a good 'deeper meaning' to even a minor part of the plot.

  15. You could say I know how guys think... actually, I think I understand a lot of them more than most girls. But I never really considered how it affected my writing.


    Honestly, I saw no typically male wording in SiD. I mean, not many guys are as emotional as Yuthura, for one! And also, she sounds pretty female, just one that's been through a rough past. Exactly what you're aiming for, right?


    Maybe your writing is based on how you think/speak. I'd like to think I'm more like a girl >_> but I probably don't lol. Not that I act like a guy, but... eh. I don't know.


    I liked your story, there's nothing wrong with the gender! :xp:

  16. Well, my least favourite of all of the films was Clone Wars (non animated version)... and I'm not really into war. But I still want to see it - maybe because it's Star Wars, I dunno lol

    That's kind of ironic. I'm not into war, but I love Star Wars.


    Anyway, I'm looking forward to K3 more than this film.

  17. I'm sure he missed a lot out on my critique, as did a lot of people! lol


    And god, I used to be such a guy. Probably because when I was little, my only friends WERE male. But now, I'm just well... not girly. But you know. I think?


    I didn't notice the male wording at all... I simply read the story and enjoyed it. :)

  18. At least there's logic behind your sickness! I just woke up, got ready, and all of a sudden I feel sick. But there's nothing better than the relief of recovering. :) But I'm starving now, becuse all I've eaten is a few biscuits.


    I don't know what we're doing tomorrow... I think it's a pool day. Might check out the gym, do a few lengths. Enjoy your lazy day. :xp:

  19. What? We got pick of the week? That's raised my spirits! Well done to you. :^: you got a better review than me - I have word usage problems :¬: lol.


    And I guess they would only presume that because a male person is writing it. Not many people write from the other gender's POV.

  20. What, they swear? Weird. I prefer alien insults anyway lol a nice change.


    Well, we arrived at 8, so the weathers been pretty cool. Still warmer than England by a long shot! Though, I felt SO sick in the airport (england). I actually thought I was going to throw up, but i don't know why. I'm not scared of flying or anything.. I like it. But I was fine, after I took a few tablets. :)

  21. Haha, I thought I wouldn't. It's supposed to be aimed at kids. But I still wanted to see it anyway.


    I felt like such a nerd in Waterstones, purchasing a Star Wars book. But at least now I can read what I enjoy!

  22. Hello Master Yoda :lol:


    Greetings from Tenerife!

    The time difference is the same, here, as it is in England, so I'll be on at night, most likely. Got unlimited access to the tinterweb.

  23. Yeah, I'm offline now. Speak to you soon! And thanks. :D

  24. Well, I hate employers. They won't employ 16 year olds because they cost more money (insurance). No one i know has a job... why did I quit my last one?

    Though I guess if I were an employer, I'd hate the idea of a 16 year old working in my shop. Leaders should be trusting. ¬.¬

  25. If I was ever controlling a group of people, I always took things off people, and it either made them drop out, or try harder lol

    Seperates the ones who mean it from the ones who don't.

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