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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Money doesnt just ensure you wont starve to death, it can make life easier in numerous ways. Of course, lots of rich people forget that you need to actually have a personality to make that work.


    I dont hate the people who work for their money, get rich, but dont forget themselves, but other people... I have no respect for them. I know its easy to be influenced, but everyone has a choice. Everyone has willpower.


    I give to the poor, but its impossible to know the difference between genuine and fake.


    One time I was on holiday many years ago, and this man was walking around, crying his eyes out - the tears were literally gushing out. He was so skinny, and ill looking... he had no money, and he was dying of a disease but ive forgotten its name. I gave him ten euros, but my dad said he was faking it.


    I dont understand.

  2. I had fast food today lol only because my sister was being awkward. I would have been more than happy to have some home made chips.

    It's amazing how quick money goes... I dont know how much I have left, but I've bought virtually nothing of value, except food and drinks.


    I dont drive, so I dont have that problem, yet... but my mum and dad want me driving asap, so I dont have to run them around 24/7. Which I don't, BTW, they just think I do!


    I just gave cigarettes up, but I never bought them. I scavenged them off other people. I thought I was quite strong this holiday, because I haven't given into the temptation of drink or cigarettes, despite the fact my holiday friends smoke AND drink. It has been tempting though. I drank one or two, but not enough to get me drunk.


    Bleh. Addictions.

  3. I hate human morals. Its okay to kill, except when it's an animal. Slavery (horse racing etc.) is wrong, except when it comes to people. We think ourselves to be so significant, so advanced... and maybe we're smart, but honestly, what else do we have?


    No wonder the aliens haven't invaded. They're probably scared of us!


    I do wish I could change it somehow, but I can't. I wish I was God, or primeminster or something. I understand money is a big issue, but why does it have to be? What selfish idiot is charging starving, poverty and destitute stricken people more than they earn?


    If there is a God, I hope he died long ago, because thats the only explenation for this hateful society.

  4. Hey, moneys just made me a wishful thinker. I want things I can't have, and I pay the price. Only 3 people in my family got good grades in school, and theyre all snobby and selfish. It's unbelievable. Why does money do that to people? I just cant wait til college to get my £30 a week.


    I don't really care about sleep, tonight, since we have to wake up early tomorrow anyway. Either way, I'll be tired, just one way I'm not staring at a white roof, with a snoring sister beside me!

  5. It doesn't matter how 'small' it is, so many lives have been ruined. I don't just feel sorry for the ones who have died, and the ones who are injured, but also the families and friends. People don't often consider them.


    It makes me feel upset, but I don't really know why, since everyone else just tends to go 'oh that's terrible, what's for tea?'

    There was also something on the news about people imbreeding dogs, and now their skulls are too small for their brains, so they can't control bodily functions. It showed a clip of one of the dogs, and it was awful. Some people are just monsters.

  6. There's a lot of problems. I don't think nature's the problem, either way. I think we're the problem. I think that amidst all this fiasco about global warming etc., we've forgotten other important things.


    Did you hear about the plane crash in Madrid? 150 people died, and 28 people injured/dying. I think it's terrible, and watching relatives on TV trying to find out information about loved ones, is terrible. Not something I want to hear on holiday, but my dads girlfriend loves the news.


    Apathy, non-caring... whatever you want to call it, thats pretty much what i am about the wellfare of the physical planet. Of course, Im only young so it doesn't really affect me ATM, but I can't help it. I get on.


    money isnt something I'm really used to talkin about... more like the lack of it. I hate selfish people who have too much money and just want more. They need to learn to give. Theyre the people who problem the world, and cause all of this poverty. Godd.


    I hope your family isn't as obsessed with money as your aunt is.

  7. There's a lot of problems. I don't think nature's the problem, either way. I think we're the problem. I think that amidst all this fiasco about global warming etc., we've forgotten other important things.


    Did you hear about the plane crash in Madrid? 150 people died, and 28 people injured/dying. I think it's terrible, and watching relatives on TV trying to find out information about loved ones, is terrible. Not something I want to hear on holiday, but my dads girlfriend loves the news.


    Apathy, non-caring... whatever you want to call it, thats pretty much what i am about the wellfare of the physical planet. Of course, Im only young so it doesn't really affect me ATM, but I can't help it. I get on.

  8. It seems oh so medieval, your family lol. I wish my family had enough money to spare... but I'd hate having to share it I guess. Unless it was for a good cause, I mean. People shouldn't really have free money unless they seriously need it.


    I hope it all goes according to plan. :)


    But I know your hatred for someone. Im currently listening to her natter on about the same thing she was talking about 2 hours ago. God save me.

  9. I've had five cats, and four dogs. Having split up parents means a hell of a lot of pets!

    It's nice having a neutral 'person' in the house, though. :^: wouldnt you agree?


    Global warming - bleh. I'm getting sick of hearing about it, but I know that's very apathetic and ignorant. The weather in England is humid and horrible heat one day and storms upon storms of rain the next. Theres been floods everywhere in England (not Manchester, because we're above sea levels!) and it's the same everywhere.

  10. You should go to England... the weathers even weirder than Americas. ;)


    I wish I had a cat. I used to have an orange one, but he ran away when we moved house! How many pets have you had?

  11. In my world? Night in. I took a powerful painkiller to get rid of the sunburn effect... now I can move my arms to level with my head. :^:

    I'm looking out at the night sea, it's very relaxing.


    How about you? :)

  12. So I was hypnotised? Interesting. Yeah I knew what was happening, that the lights were 'controlling' me, so I just kept on telling myself 'shut your eyes, shut your eyes' and I managed to get out of it. It was terrifying.


    As for the PTSD like symptoms, they did end long ago. Round about 2 years ago. From what I remember, every 5-10 minutes aprox., I tended to stop and see a flashbacks from my childhood... usually very random and didn't make sense, and when I came out of it, I couldn't remember what happened. My friends didn't believe me, what made it worse. When it happened, I felt really lightheaded and felt shivers run through me.


    It's difficult to explain... but instead of 'thinking' about a memory, it was something I 'saw'... sometimes my eyes even played tricks on me, and say I was in a group of two people... I would blink and then they would be far away from me, talking about something/doing something, and when I came out of it, they just thought I was insane, because they hadnt done that.


    I felt insane, too.

  13. You're welcome.


    And I haven't written anything else on The Huntress, yet. Written a bit on K3, but that's it. I can't say Yuthura seemed all that interesting, either, but look what you made of her. :)


    I don't think you need training to be a jedi-like person, to be honest. Sometimes it comes naturally, but it's difficult to believe in this day and age. Depending on experiences, depends on how a person grows up and what they're like ;) much like the info you give in SiD.


    I plan to ease her into the whole 'I don't kill if I don't have to', through dilemmas and certain 'friendships'. It's great knowing things that no one else knows. :^:

  14. At one point I thought I had PTSD, because I kept on having flashbacks, and fainting. It was very strange. I have no real explenation for it though. I also, once at a gig, thought I was epileptic, because when flashing lights came on, I lost control of my body, and felt like I was cramping up. Any idea what this stuff is? lol


    Anyway, I guess it could harm the story... but you have to decide what kind of person Yuthura is. Is she the type who becomes weak from bad experiences, or strong? I think that, after slavery, the sith, rejected by the jedi, Revan AND the war, she'll have enough advice and 'mind' to decide who she wants to be. But you have to lead up to it - it can't happen over night, no matter how much it could happen IRL.


    And I guess you're right - but not being able to change into my PJs, because my arms and shoulders are burning so much isn't fun either.

  15. Really? 16 medals? Woo! And at the beginning of it I said 'Englands not doing too well.' heh, we might beat America at this rate ;)


    Im fully aware that Americans love England... every american I've met or seen have made a big fuss about how the accent is great, and so on so forth. I don't get what's so special about us lol we only love america for the shops! :xp:


    I bought a small teddy dolphin and called it Jill. I also have a rock off the volcano, called Oscar. I'm a freak, I know. But o m g. children were allowed to volunteer to go into the water, and the last girl was really skinny, and the man held her as the dolphin threw them up into the air, and her bakini bottoms fell OFF.

    Everyone sort of went "ooo" when they went up, and then went "agh! *laughs*" when the pants came down. lmao.


    It was disturbing.


    Already got aftersun on, AND a painkiller. I'm a whimp. :)

  16. Why don't you want to write anything like it ever again? You're very in touch with the character aren't you? :)


    Holiday is ending on Friday, and Summer holidays ending 4th September. But before I go back to college, I want this sunburn to **** off. It hurts so much! I can't move my arms properly.

  17. China has 34 gold, and about 10-20 silver and bronze.

    America has 19 gold, but I can't remember their silver and bronze

    and England has 12 gold I think...


    I know, I'm awesome. It's a pity there was no money to win! I'm not going to the bar tonight though - I've decided on a chill out night, but most of all... My shoulders and back have been cooked like bacon. I can't move my arms up or sideways. It's hell :( And I can't complain because there's been an article on the news about a plane crashing in Madrid and dogs whose skulls are too small for their brains, and can't control their body movements.


    On a brighter note, I saw a dolphin show today :) got SO many awesome photos. Theyre so smart!

  18. I thought it was strange china was winning, in china. But then i realised china has millions of people.


    England are third! We've done really well over the weekend, getting golds left right and centre, breaking world records. Americas been amazing from what I've heard... you're in second, right?


    Oh god, I wish I wasnt drunk. It was boring, too. But i won some guy at pool :xp: I was quite proud! Im officially the 3rd worst out of 7 people. Not bad, not bad. lol.


    Im sick of holiday now. I just want to go to college. I burnt my shoulders and it wasnt fun. I apparently burn really bad.

  19. And now i'm drunk lol


    I hate clingy. And I hate overly sensitive guys. Its like... stop crying.

    You have your story up yet? I havent checked, but even so, I probably wont be able to read it well in this condition...



    Seen the olympics?

  20. They got rid of two judges points? That's a bit... wrong. If it was even they should have raced again. Just be glad America's second lol. England's not that far behind though... i thought they were doing pretty bad, but i guess they proved me wrong.


    So you most likely wont be online? Thats a shame. The conversations with you are always interesting :^: I hope to speak to you soon.

  21. I'm burnt T_T;; it killsss. I haven't been burnt for TWO YEARS.

    My dad and his girlfriend had an argument. Again. And she flipped out and ran out of the door. Again. I hate her. :¬:


    Uni is where you pick one massive subject and get a degree in it. Is that college over there?


    Most guys go for the confident ones, believe it or not. They just take to the shy ones, because they can't kick arse. :xp: And girls go for shy guys. Well, mostly. I don't really have a 'type'. But I hate clingy. And overly romantic. And texting 24/7. I need space!

  22. Oh. >_> Well... I was half asleep when I posted that message, so it's very easy to misread.

    I swear you typed Handmaiden though...


    Anyway, college looks fun. But I'm a bit nervous about the whole concept. It's all very new to me. Plus I don't have a bag, a haircut, OR good shoes. So I'm a little like 'eek'.

    College over there is like our university isn't it? That's not for another 2 years :^: but that one looks interesting.


    What annoys me, is guys who are too shy to make the first move. I just don't bother with them, most of the time, unless I actually like them and it isn't just a drunken night :lol: I may stay in touch with this one, but who knows!

  23. There's Handmaiden and what versions?! I thought I was being original. Damn. Well, Handmaiden only looks like a lesbian. Juhani IS one! lol.


    Hey, I'm allowed to open floodgates! As long as I'm not the annoying one who becomes a burden to keep on the group effort, then it'll be fine. :^: dunno what it'll be like when I go to college.


    Ohh check you :D yeah they're not really relationships, but hey, no one's complaining! I used to always do that back in England, but I'm SICK of it now. Drinks just don't work for me. I'd like to kiss someone when I'm not drunk. I dunno, it's strange... he's easy to read but most guys are. And he isn't a typical guy. :xp:

  24. Ah, don't worry about it, I don't think you're ditching me lol you've got a poor connection, and I know how that feels out here... my connection is always off and on.


    Anyway, my sleep is getting better. I get so tired out, out here... at England I don't know why I'm always so awake!


    Seen the olypmics?

  25. I'd still have said no :lol: no one can convince me to do anything like that. Summer is the time of year I yearn for. For the past two years, I have refused to even go on holidays because I wanted to be at home during the Summer, to have fun. I don't get homesick though.


    I know what you mean, about K3. Hopefully it'll work out for us, eventually... it's funny how this started due to me saying a little joke about how yours, mine and DYs stories could work together. :lol: damnit, I have to stop saying everything I think! Nah, i think this story will be ace.


    Decent as in he isn't cocky, he's smart and good looking. We and his friends meet up at the bar every night, at the pool table. It's pretty nice, but it's a pity it's only a holiday :xp: and aw, were all the girls there, complete nerds? lol I would've started talking to one of them in Spanish! If.. I was a guy, that is.


    Which reminds me. Have you heard "I kissed a girl" - Katy Perry? That's soo Juhani's song :lol:

    ahh I make me laugh.


    Damn russians.

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