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Status Updates posted by Canderis


  2. What DS trans should it be for? (the game can support 4 DS transitions)

  3. :( It's not on this comp, sorry. It's fairly good though.
  4. I was thinking variants of colors, possibly a black one, if I can get it to work right.

  5. Sure, what about the skin I mentioned. I might have a pic..

  6. I have the saber exported, I will include a model file for each color but I expect/hope you can set them up to be upgradeable (.2da files and .utis)


    Oh and I was wondering if you'd want another saber color added?

  7. I'll have it exported by Monday.

  8. I was thinking drayen.

  9. finished your saber. I'll get you a pic tommarrow.

  10. When I did that the mask part was the only thing in the file that extracted

  11. Your posts are fixed!

  12. Wierd... it changed back.... Maybe my eyes are going bad or something. :¬:

    But then again strange bugs HAVE been developing here lately...

  13. Hi, could you show me a pic or two of your guns? I might be able to help you.

  14. :( I can't figure out how to extract the textures.
  15. I'm going to bring my skinning talents to RC :D

  16. Could you finish the map of Mandalore? I can model it i just need the map.

  17. How do you mod RC?

  18. How'd you get your name pink?

  19. Ok, I'll try that.

  20. Dang.... Can't join now..

  21. Is that server for NwN or NwN2?

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