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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. In the same module with the prison there is an empty, cut, room. I was hoping to use that for a mod. To link another module with. Guess that can't happen now.

  2. But what is it? If they don't know what it is they can't miss it.

  3. It still is unannounced. Nobody knows what it is.

  4. I got braces today and they hurt. On the modding side I am almost finished with my unannounced mod Curse of the Sith.

  5. Painful. I got braces today and they hurt!

  6. Are you restoring the cut rooms on Malachor?

  7. I found the place to link my area to.

  8. Cuz my dad does a great impression of yoda.

  9. How many lines are needed for the yoda guy?

  10. I'll get you the files either tonight or tomorrow.

  11. How long does that stuff take? Check out my Team Hssiss site. I am working on like 9 other projects. I told you when I joined that my own projects come first.

  12. I know. The rest of the team has no instruction. I have started the job months ago.

  13. Nobody has been doing stuff because you HAVE NOT TOLD US WHAT TO DO!!

  14. I can do icons for your FFM. I also have a force script that you can have for it. It just doesn't seem to appear on the force selection ingame. So you'd need to that.

  15. I can't mod till Friday. Sorry.

  16. :thmbup1:Thanks loh

  17. You are one of the people the team did NOT cut. Welcome to Team Hssiss.

  18. Could I use your Taintpool property in a mod?

  19. you don't change the file format, you just rename it. Like normal.

  20. Try naming the mp3s .wav. I heard that somewhere.

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