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Everything posted by Endorenna

  1. I may have to take you up on your kind offer, but I'd hate to ruin anything for you. :( After all, you're the Dark Lord of Annoyance!

  2. Of course, dear fellow. (passes sugar)


    I merely intend to write about a red Twi'lek. :) 'Twill be quite simple, really--if I can ever get past this part, that is--

  3. It's all right, old bean, it's all right. It won't be the greatest chaoter I've ever written, but hopefully it won't turn too many people off of my story.


    Any plans on what to write for your next CEC selection?

  4. *Sits down and slumps in defeat* I just can't win, can I? 8/

  5. (runs screaming into the night)


    (next morning)


    *Glares at Chev and HK* To quote the immortal words of Qui-gon Jinn: DON'T do that again. O_o

  6. (changes to British as well) Nothing much, old chap. Merely revising a character essay. o_Q


    And what are you doing? (sips tea)

  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:


    I don't need a hug, HK needs a hug!!!!

  8. Yez:D Wil be beter onze I cut out dis 'l33t speak':D

  9. I iz fine:D Haz u ben busy? :D

  10. Okey-dokie. :) I look forward to the responses! :xp:

  11. Okay, now that you've come back, I can yell at ya... :p



  12. Whaaaaaaaat?! No smashing comeback! :eyepop

  13. Today I should be open late afternoon/evening, as usual. Wednesday--unless the roads ice over (again), I can only get on after 9 PM. :)

  14. Fool! I can levitate! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (rises from the chasm and Force Pushes Chev off said cliff)

  15. Writing on a character essay. That's 'bout it. And I'm about to go to bed. That reminds me, first I better make some tea to wake myself up tomorrow morning. :)


    You? Well, tomorrow, when you'll probably read this? :p

  16. (removes from head and drops on ground) Huh, we'll see what your mighty muscles of steel will do against the power of the Force!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! :xp:

  17. You better hope that's your own nose!!! ;)


    Good thing to be doin'. :)

  18. (jerks nose away) Ouch!!! (rubs nose ruefully)


    So, providing that you don't grab my nose any more and I run you through with my lightsaber, how are ya? :)

  19. Why were you playing basketball in the snow in the first place? :lol:

  20. Nah, I'm not really a sports person. (shrug) Was never any good at anything like that. Too short! :lol:

  21. (extracts nose) Oh, honk yerself...

  22. (reluctantly uses the Force to catch him and drag him back up) I think I'm gonna regret that...


    I'm just chillin', playin' Tomb Raider, gonna write later...that's it. You?

  23. I like violent games, generally, but not M-rated violence. They're usually just disgusting...haven't found one I really, truly like. :/

  24. Nope, 'fraid not. Just heard a very little about 'em.

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