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Everything posted by Endorenna

  1. Hey, np. :) Real life takes precendence, remember? :p Hope it went well!


    I'm probably not gonna be around 'till about 9 tonight--now that the snow's finally melted, church is back up. :) I'll talk to ya later!

  2. Hmmm...okay. I'll believe that's what you've been up to. :lol:

  3. Np. :) Pretty much whenever you're ready/have time is fine.

  4. I guess the Java thing didn't work out tonight. Send me a message when you're ready, tomorrow or whenever it's convenient for you. :)

  5. Sorry, 'tis the vernacular where I'm from. :)


    So, what have you been up to?

  6. Idden it, though? :p


    (All misspellings intended. ;))

  7. I always thought it was kinda stupid, lol. And I dislike pink hearts immensely. :lol:

  8. I've never liked it much myself. :/ What particular thing do you have against it?

  9. K, I'm there. I'm not quite sure I remember the right room, but I think I've got it. ;)

  10. Argh...sorry I was late. :( My mom gave me a few chores. :(


    Talk to ya soon (hopefully).

  11. Well, I was about to get on last night...and the 'net went out, thanks to some lovely, cold, slushy, melting snow outside. -_-


    BTW, I like the Erussa/Tawnos scene! I never got it! :lol: Sorry, but I started laughing when Erussa asked Tawnos how he felt about Osay. That was just funny.


    So, what would be a good time to work on IV? I can do it later, or tomorrow, or the day after, whenever you need (provided the internet doesn't decide to go off again). :)

  12. Kk. I'll see ya tomorrow, then! :xp:

  13. Where have I been? In a house surrounded with a foot and a half of snow, which did not melt, as I thought it was. -_-


    How's ASA comin'? Argh, well...I have the second half of the chapter down where I want it, but the first half is still pretty terrible. :/ I'm thinkin' about making a summary of the first half and posting the second half with it. Awful, I know...but I'm flat out stuck. :(


    So, you liked the pic Anni posted of Sri? Doesn't really look a whole lot like her, but it's close enough. :D

  14. /facepalm


    Very well...annoy away. :D

  15. I prefer Star Wars images, meself. :p

  16. Sorry I haven't replied 'till now. Forgot to check here. o_0


    I'll probably be able to work on it tomorrow. :) (Anni says she's beta'ing the 3rd chapter now. :))

  17. What happens on Friday?

  18. You watched Rise of the Lycans yet?

  19. The foot of snow outside is finally melting. That's about it.



  20. (looks down nose imperiously) Of course, my servant. I will look at once.

  21. DANGIT!!!!!! I didn't see your message until now. :/


    I'll send you and Addy the bit we did the other day now.

  22. Did he serve in the army?

  23. Correction: Is now 12 inches. :lol:


    Church is off tonight. Definitely. :D

  24. What!?!?!?!?! That's awful!!!! Dangit...wish there was something I could do to help. :(

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