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Status Updates posted by Endorenna

  1. *Sits down and slumps in defeat* I just can't win, can I? 8/

  2. Endorenna is from the Lord of the Rings. It's the Elvish word for 'Middle Earth'. Look at the song Aragorn sings at his coronation and the translation thereof. :) (Yea. I'm a LoTR freak ;))

  3. I Love Lucy. Old show. From the 50s, I think. :p It's really, really funny. :) You outta watch it sometime. There are some episodes that are so-so (duh), but there are some truly hilarious ones. Like The Publicity Agent. And The Black Eye. :p

  4. Whaaaaaaaat!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Oh, now I've gotta do it. :D

  5. Whaaaaaaaat?! No smashing comeback! :eyepop

  6. About like you are, minus the throwing up.

  7. Actually, I don't. Wish I did, though! I'm probably getting it for Christmas on the PS3. Have you heard about the patches they're making for it?

  8. Actually, I hate summer AND winter! :lol: And because of that, I, of course, move to a place where fall and spring and practially non-existant. (Seriously, one day it was sweltering, the next day was mild and fall-like, and the next day we had flurries of snow. -_- Go figure.)

  9. Actually, I've never heard of Rush, but I'll look at it anyway. :lol:

  10. Actually, no I didn't. :D

  11. Actually...I didn't. I don't even know the difference between them! :p

  12. After giving Boba life. :p

  13. AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eyepop:eek: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Ah, a little. I don't think I have it as bad as you do. :p

  15. Ah, doubt that. What you turn out is always good. :D

  16. Ah, I know how that one goes. :lol: Lord knows I've had my share of grammer mistakes... >_<

  17. Ah, I'm waiting for a topic to catch my eye. :) Haven't been able to think of anything I like. >_< I have a few stories saved for if/when topics relating to them come along. Really wish they would, 'cuz I can't get any feedback on them until then! It's drivin' me nuts! :lol:

  18. Ah, isn't that the way it always works? :p

  19. Ah, nuttin' much. Anything going on with you--besides shooting battle droids, I mean? :lol:

  20. Ah, nuttin'. Just tired. Like always. -_-

  21. Ah, sickness, sacrifice, mysterious pasts, strangers, secrets--junk like that. :lol: Everyone's been trying to get creative recently, so my wonderful, generic, completely cliche' short stories remain off the 'net. :lol:

  22. Ah, sure. :p I'll take a look at it in the morning, since it's...one in the morning here, hehe.

  23. Ah, well. Couldn't figure out how to do it. I am sooooo lame with Photoshop... :lol:

  24. Ah, yes. What-if's are almost always interesting. :D

  25. Ah. I can understand that. :p

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