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Status Updates posted by Andurilblade

  1. *gestures toward CQ with two fingers*


    You will join The PinK Five Fan Club, the most awesome club in these forums.

  2. Acckk! Sorry, life's been crazy lately.

    I think it's her naivete and young innocence, mixed with a unique wisdom and understanding granted by her age. Of all the characters, she has the most room to grow.

  3. Actually, I was referring to my insatiable greed. :lol:


    So, how did ye like Scion of Darkness?

  4. Actually, this particular performance is for a friend, and I'm not charging. But I do get paid for most of my performances.


  5. CQ!!!!! What is going on, Mine Precious?


    I've been asked to play at a wedding in April!!!

  6. Hey! Sorry, the last month has been so hectic what with getting ready for college and all, then my computer blowing up for the last time, then FINALLY getting a MAC :thmbup1: No more computer problems!!!


    .......Wait a second, did the last chapter not go through? AHH! :eek: Here it is!

  7. I don't eat, you lummox! I'm using Endo's harp, and heaven help me if I get it greasy...

    On to a more pleasant train of thought.


    I've started playing SWG along with Endo. I have a toon on her account. And her name? Atan'il Kamala! Crafted to perfection, just like the sweet selfless soul who met her bloody demise at her very hearth! *sniff* But this one's alive, kicking, and crafting! I made her a Structure Trader, but soon I'm going to respec her to Domestics, so she can make clothes. And more clothes. and then even more clothes.


    In case you haven't noticed, I love clothes :)

  8. I never was comfortable with the RP. After offering to make the pictures for you, I kind of felt obligated to go ahead and make them even though I didn't agree with the details in the bios. I joined the group so I could put the pictures up; after I found out more about the RP, I decided it wasn't a good idea for me to stay.


    I sent you the pictures. Hopefully they show up ok. I'll take a look at the ones in my album.

  9. Martial Arts?! OOOHHH!!!! It seems like everyone around here takes that except me! And I've always wanted to take it! Oh, well, I must content myself with the lightsabers the little boy down the street made for me. Not that I can use them or anything... ;)


    And as far as the harpness goes, ;) I've culled out a few of the more un-romantic pieces and added in a couple whoppers. I'm playing May It Be and the Song of the Eagles, as well as three heart-wrenching hymns. That should be enough songs for the evening.


    Turns out my contact thought she was paying me for this all along, now that I've gone professional. She just emailed me asking what the bill was gonna be. So... being at a loss as to what to do, I consulted my financial advisor (aka my dad ;)), and he told me to give her a fifty percent discount. So I will be making a little mula for my trouble.


    My dad's making me a website for my harping! It'll be done within the week, hopefully, and I am REALLY excited!!!

  10. My webpage, that's what's new! The background my dad got me is great! He took a picture of his guitar and faded it to make it look like the soundboard of a harp. The page is still in its semi-prototype stage; some more info needs to be added, but it's a smashing start! Daddy put SO many days of work into it; I don't know where I'd be without him. :) But I guess you want the address, huh? Here it is!!!




    EDIT: Valentine's Day went very well. No more commissions, though. :(

  11. School, harp, and beta-ing. Oh, I found this really cool website you might want to cheack out. You can create any character you want in a matter of minutes. I've already made several from my and Endo's stories. Here's the link.



  12. St. George's Windsor, St. Columba, and Lobe den Herren, to name a few of my favorite Celtic pieces. I have a beautiful arrangement of Be Thou My Vision, which may be my favorite piece of all time. And, of course, Across the Stars, Into the West, and May It Be. I'm putting together a harp arrangement for the Star Trek: First Contact theme, which is once of the more angelic pieces of music I've ever heard.

    Tortiga! :lol::D That's good!

  13. Sure. :) I'd be very happy to. Hmm. Change that to "I'd love to!" I just read your story, and I think it's very interesting! Can't wait to see what you're gonna do with that creepy holocron. :D (Loved that 'abyss' line, that was just...EXTREMELY well put!)


    A few things I need to tell you. I pull no punches and show no mercy. I'll kill to correctly place a comma. But, if you say you want something to stay the way it is, I promise, you won't have to put up with me nagging you or anything like that! :words::lol:

  14. The usual. Except for one thing. My contact told me she didn't care what I played, just any old hymns about some sort of love. So, I put together some of my favorite hymns about love and had them practiced and ready to go. But then, I get a look at the flyer about the event. I'm very flattered to see that I'm in it... until I see that it says I'm going to be playing ROMANTIC songs! Okay, I consider my Celtic pieces romantic, but what I consider romantic is NOT what other people consider romantic! They even put me on the website! So there's no going back; now I'm scambling to find and learn some really heart-twanging pieces before the 13th! :hor:


    So, how's your life been? :)

  15. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy our little community!


  16. Well, being in a martial arts class with a tall person would make me friendly too! lol


    Hehe, the last pre-emptive strike I made got me my hide tanned. Bad thing was... the kid was four years old!!!!!


    I shall most certainly send you a link to the home page the moment it's operational! Daddy's in the process of trying to get pictures from each of my performances, and once he has those, I get to choose the final color scheme, and it's off to webland!!!


    This 'contact' of mine is actually the one who got me started with this madness. :xp: She asked me to play for a Christmas banquet, and one of the guests asked me to play at his business' Christmas party the next night. Several of his guests asked me to play at their various parties and events, and so my career got off to a roaring start! :D


    So, how is the violin coming?

  17. (Sorry about the delay on the last reply; wasn't able to get on for a few days.) If I'm not in the group, that might not work. Try going to the place where I posted them on the HeroMachine Art thread, going to the 'quote' option, and getting them. You should be able to upload them from there.

  18. About the friend thing, I thought the only reason we were friends was because of the RP. I'd still like to be friends of that's good with you, I just don't want to participate in the RP.

  19. Aye, life is indeed good. I just got a request to play the harp at a Valentine's Day banquet, and I'm putting together a repetoir of appropriate songs.

  20. Busy, busy, Mine Precious!!! Harping my way through an open house and on to Valentine's Day! I did find some BEAUTIFUL Celtic hymns that sound quite romantic for the Valentine's Eve dinner.

  21. Definitely hymns. The harp seems made for hymns, and there are so many beautiful arrangements to play. What's your favorite genre?

  22. Did they disappear when I left?

  23. Exsqeeze me, but I have a rather imbecilic question. Once you download the Aurebesh font, how do you get it to work?

  24. Haha! One step ahead of you! I just did! Ye may join if ye like! like Stacy, that is.

  25. Hello-Deyleeeya! Yousa new to the forums! Welcome to da communitay!!!!

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