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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. *Throws meat at GTA* Ceiling fans? PSSSHH...:D What's up, GTA??? :D

  2. After a bloody long time, I've finally come back, hopefully not only temporarily...whoo, sorry for the absence :( How're things, Alkonium? :D

  3. Ok, Chev, I'll check those out :D Thanks for the info...expect a post tonight :D

  4. Well, I'm sort've confused onto where we're at in the RP....trying to find the edited post to see how I could jump in again...

  5. Wait, now I'm a tad confused....I think Alkonium informed me of you editing a post, but I wasn't sure what was changed. I'll check it out and post so we can finish off this space battle.

  6. Very cool! :D You'll have to let me know when you start pencilling, I'll check out the comic ;D

  7. Illustrating and Sequential art? Sounds like quite a bit of fun :D I remember you talking to me about that :) So, are you planning to do it for anime comics, or just comics overall? :D

  8. Oh, ok, well, I'll post pretty soon then :D

  9. Alright, sounds good :D

  10. Yep, I understand the ups and downs...this years been an interesting one so far...


    Anyways, yep, I joined up :D Anything I should really know about before posting?

  11. Yep, I did :D No, he's not a villain, though he seems to be a good guy with a dark history :D

  12. Well, I've just posted my character sheet, I hope it's ok :D So, should I just jump in, or wait for a certain time?

  13. Congrats!!!!! That's awesome!! :D I hope everything goes well when you go there! :D Do you have any plans on what you want to major in? :D

  14. Oh, ok, I understand, that makes sense :) I'm also glad to know this, as a sense of fairness does make things alot more fun, so that is appreciated :D So, may I ask what is happening currently in the RP? So when I post I don't mess things up :)

  15. Arrrgh, sorry, it has taken me so long to get back and reply :( *fails at life as well*


    Indeed, heh, nice lodgings are always quite fun, they're a bit more comfortable I suppose ;D Oy, train passes are pretty expensive there? Well, I'll have to carefully plan the trip then...I was talking to a few of my German friends, and I asked them if it got cheaper to travel once you were in Europe. They said a little, but really it didn't...so it should be an adventure :D You've been all over the map then! :D The sights must be quite amazing :D I can definitely agree with you on the flights...the food is terrible too :D


    I hope you had a Happy New Year too! Wasn't it Chinese New Year only a little while ago? Year of the Tiger?

  16. Yep! It's been a long time indeed! :D So how are you, Skywalker? :D

  17. :lol: A harem RP? Oy, it would seem that way :D Well, I'll finally get around to making that character sheet now...would it be ok if the guy were a baddie? {or in this case, a red? :D }
  18. Alright, I understand, I'm really sorry about being out for such a long period of time. I'll definitely try to get online more often now that things are going back to normal :) I'll go check out the latest casting call as soon as I can :D

  19. Battle Suit Utopia? Sounds pretty awesome, I'll have to check it out :D Thanks, Shana :D It's beginning to ease up now, so I should be on a bit more often now ;D

  20. Hey Chev! :D Thanks for that! :D I missed you guys alot, too, I haven't been online since....well, a very very long time, glad to be back :D How've you been?

  21. Hey Shana! :D I'm doing pretty well, just been extremely busy in life, it's been pretty hectic :) How've you been? What's new? :D

  22. Aright, sounds good :D Also, my apologies for being gone so long, been really busy.

  23. Hey Chev! Sorry I've been gone lately, but things have been extremely busy...I'm finding it difficult to get online as I used to...so anyway, I'll post as soon as I can, starting{or finishing} the fight :D Yeah, perhaps after my post would be a good time for the revelation :D

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