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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. So, Sabretooth, is anything new lately? Besides the occasional anarchist uprisi-, oh I mean politics?

  2. So, what's new in life? :D

  3. Yep, that would've been awesome, but sadly, not to be...


    Well hopefully they make another one {not The Old Republic}. Kotor 3 would be the redeemer of Kotor 2.

  4. Ahhh, very nice Avatar, Reunin, Plo Koon is definately awesome!

  5. Well, you can go to your control panel and press "edit avatar." There it will show several options saying things like "Choose your avatar" or "Browse pictures for avatar," and so on and so forth. You probably will be able to post your avatar no prob from there.

  6. Just read how at Javyar's Cantina. There's a thread that says how to do it. The way it says, I think, says that you start a new thread in Javyar's then just write yours story on that thread. VOILA! Just take a look at the thread if you need further confirmation.

  7. Yeah, I'd agree on that one, any holiday that allows one to escpe school and work for a bit...:D

  8. So, Litofsky..random question, what is your favorite holiday?

  9. Excellent Story, Endorenna!! You must post the next part soon!! :D


    I probably should've told you that yesterday, but aw well, post it soon!

  10. So, the never ending question arrives...what's new? :D

  11. Thanks for the link on how to draw the female face! It'll definately help on further concepts!

  12. Heheheh, good one, perhaps. :D

  13. The Clone Army says Hi.

  14. Yep, I placed a story in the competition, I'm not excatly sure how succesful it'll be, though.

  15. Yep, it's pretty ridiculous, even on paper! A building with wheels indeed. :D So you're doing research on laptops? You know, you could buy graphics cards seperate from the laptop and then install them on, it's probably cheaper. My computers like that, it's an old model with new stuff {thanks to super-computer Bro}. :D


    That is good to hear that you are well and truly-shnozzled. :D

  16. So the next chapter of Sri is out? That is good, I will check it our right away! :)

  17. Ahhh, needles, is it fun using needles, is it perhaps less dangerous then knitting?:D

  18. I have joined the Drunken Time Travelers!

  19. Aww, well, I guess we'll never know, well, life goes on...


    *walks into the sunset*

  20. Ah, no worries, we had a bit of fun, but we must abide by the Admin's rules and not spam. We now know what that is...

  21. Well, hopefully not. Let us not be negative but see things in a positive point of view, eh?

  22. We'll handle them!


    *picks up chair*

  23. True, true, there must be a time like this I suppose. My condolences, but we will persevere and have fun in other ways, despite others...do you not agree?

  24. Litofsky!!! Did you see the voting thing!! We are winning! HURRAH SSPP!!

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