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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. I refuse to believe that! You have over 30 views! Over 30 people have read your fic, and I'm sure they read the entire thing! And this is only the second day into the competition, there are still 8 more days left! Cheer up, things can change as quickly as they began.

  2. I'm sure people ARE reading your story. You have two votes to it! You're in second place! That's the best position besides first! Come now, cheer up, you'll get better and better with experience and more and more people will read your fics! This isn't the end, it's only the beginning!

  3. No worries about the later messages.


    Yeah, I was just wondering on the vote matter, no real need to rush, though, so take your time. Glad to hear that I have your vote, though. Hee hee:D

  4. Yeah, I'd love to see a picture of the reskin when you're able to! PM should work nicely then. :D

  5. Endorenna! Have you voted yet in Javyar's?

  6. It was a multiple choice voter thingy, choose all that you like.

  7. Yep, I voted...for everyone. :D

  8. Thanks Fish! I'm glad you really enjoyed it! It sure helps the way I write knowing that my friends enjoy it, so Thanks Again! :D:)

  9. *waits with Litofsky*


    This is going to be close, and interesting..:D

  10. I'd rather not know....

  11. Oh, your was quite good! I rather enjoyed it!


    *gives two thumbs up*

  12. Thanks Jae, I'll take a look. :D

  13. One question Jae...How does one become a moderator? Are they elected or chosen into that position? {Well, maybe that was 2 questions:)}

  14. Well, Naruto's cool, but unfortunately I'm not a very big fan of it, otherowrds I don't watch it that much.

  15. Have a good holiday, Bee!

  16. Yep, making the most of a trip to Europe would probably help the price tag. Lots of real cool places of historical importance over there, at least WW2 importance:D {I'm a history person}


    Yeah, Porco Rosso is exactly that. Nice movie, but WEIRD, in a good way...:D


    Yes, I know, chickens are reared for eating, but as I said, I have yet to go on an actual hunt for bigger prey. I use my awesom sniping skills to protect the gardens and vegetables from squirrels and annoying creatures of the like. :D I am a protector!:D

  17. Ahh, so Grave of the Butterflies is sad? Oy, that's not very good... I'll probably still see it eventually, though. Yeah, saving money would definately help your goal there. I've been saving money for a little while now to buy a two-way ticket to a foreign country somewhere. When I came up with the idea, I was thinking Paris, France, but I might change that decision anytime and go somewhere else, I'll figure it out.


    Porco Rosso is a Ghibli film about a human-turned-pighuman who flies airplanes and fights funny pirates, you'd probably like it if you saw it. One of the many Ghibli films...:D


    I hunt a little bit, but not that much really. It's sort've a thing that happens every once in a long while. I have yet to go on an actual hunting expedition, it's a goal, though. Why do you ask?

  18. Ahh, you have My Neighbor Totoro waiting, you'll really enjoy it. I used to watch it alot when I was really small, and I loved it. Now that I have growned quite a bit, I still love it, absolutely great film. I have yet to see Grave of the Fireflies, though, is it good?

    Yeah, Spirited Away was indeed one of Ghibli's best. I really enjoyed that one, especially the funny dialogue from the characters, "ZENEBA!!" LOL, the thought makes me laugh...:D


    So Japan is very expensive to visit, oy, I guess it's a very big attraction in the Pacific. I'm sure you'll visit it someday, though, keep at your goals.:D


    Have you heard of Porco Rosso by any chance, it's probably a silly question, but have you?

  19. No skillz??? Aw well, thank God for family,:D heh, but my idea still stands if you get a bigger computer as opposed to laptop. It will be cheap, erm, -er. But true, integrated graphics don't leave much room for more cards...:( Aw well, hope you get a good one!:D


    Yes, The Cat Returns was definately a great movie. My brother and I {Yes, my Brother and I do lot's of cool stuff together} have been trying to see all the Studio Ghibli films, so far, we've seen a good number and love the cleverness and humuor placed into each one. Have you seen any of the other Ghibli films besides the Cat one? :D


    So your sister saw the actual musuem in Tokyo? That's really cool! I notice that you must travel to many cool places alot from some of your posts, you are very fortunate! :D

  20. *begins to dance to Fanfare tune*


    See, there's still fun left!! :D

  21. That pic looks awesome....


    Victory, Litofsky! Victory is near!!



    Oh, have you heard of The Cat Returns, from Ghibli Studios? Random question...:)

  23. Oy...I understand that that was the turning point on luck, but it was rather truamatic, wasn't it? TRUAMATIZED!!! Yep, I understand that one....ouch. :D


    My mistake, he muttered it and someone noticed...okay:D


    So, this Twi-lek of yours has an abnormalty, two different colored eyes...oy. Well, it must look pretty cool though! :D

  24. A racist joke? Oh my..and he said in front of a whole bunch of African Americans, goodness, that's dangerous. So I guess he does have the luck of the devil to have survived that. Me, my luck, well, it's right in the middle. I threw a rock in first grade way back when I was young, and the rock pierced my now-Best friends face. It took several stitches to get it back together. I was SUSPENDED, in FIRST GRADE. But then as I moved throughout the many years, my luck got better, and my sweet talking improved. I can get out of alot of trouble just do to my good reputation, but there is a time every now and then, where that fails. And it hurts. Alot. But the last time that happened was a long time ago. :D

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