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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. Careful, Fett might just come into the real world to hunt you, watch your back at all times and carry a firearm, Fett isn't to be trusted. :D

  2. What? I'm sorry, you lost me there.

  3. What? Daala like Boba Fett? There's something wrong in that picture, but I remember.

  4. Daala? Who's that? What do you mean?

  5. Aha! I do that too! Muhaa!

  6. Strange...you are here, yet you are there, hmmm, a paradox this is.....


    Well, I'm in the same situation, so what the heck, I already know, possibly....

  7. hurrah! I have found you!

  8. As a Clone Commander..I send greetings...

  9. So, what's new? You're not on SCIFIFLEETS! NOO! Aw, well...see ya on there...:D

  10. PROPAGANDA! We're doing just fine! Just post it back to life!!! :D

  11. All in good time, all in good time....

  12. No, I can be a forumite, that was a typo back there, I just have to post 200 more posts to get that position.

  13. I can't to be a forumite, it will be the ULTIMATE fun!

  14. It sounds really funny! I'll have to make a must-see priorty thingy!

  15. "The Trouble with Tribbles?" I'll have to check that spin-off episode out! :D

  16. That is an interesting situation....hopefully the problem is solved quite quickly, the fan base is demanding!

  17. Doing quite well! So, what's new?

  18. Ahh, you're debugging, hopefully it dosn't bug back {really really bad joke:D}. Hopefully it is greatly improved by the beta test. Happy hunting on that!

  19. Ahh, so your family is very big on the Star Trek series {the originals are often the best:)}

    Deep Space 9? What is that, just wondering?

    Life is quiet here, I am prepping for church and figuring out how to post on the Scifi Fleets thingy. It's fun. :D

  20. Hello again. What's new? {Trick question:D it was only 10 hours since the last time, hee hee:D}

  21. Whazzup, TriggerGod!

  22. Yeah, I was about to say that, too. Our church starts services a bit early. It is rather late over here, so, I say good night and have a restful sleep! :D


    *salutes and marches out of the forums*

  23. Well, so do I. :D I was just wondering about that. It's good to know who to hang out with, not only in the world, but the internet, too. Don't want to mix with the wrong crowd.

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