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Everything posted by DarthYuugi

  1. Could we possibly release it together?

  2. Thanks for the mod dude :)

  3. I Dont think Shem took it Heart GTA lol

  4. Happy new Years Shem :)

  5. If thats a Yes i will start digging through my computer ( havent played k1 in a bit but i still have my Files backed up)


    I gotta go in a minute so i will send them tommorow


    C ya :D

  6. I Really wouldent feel right releasing it as its you're model


    Really though i dont think i got it upgradable but i could if i wanted too


    Are u sure you dont want me to send you the files plus screenies :)

  7. Hey incase you dident get what i said on kotorfiles i will say it here


    i know you havent got k1 installed by i ported the Inheriotor to k1 in my personal use


    Do u want me to send you the files so you can release it for k1


    Also i can take screenies if you want just saying ;)

  8. Hey dude message me you're email and i can send you them mods ;)

  9. Btw Just saw the graphics thread


    The best thing to use is obviously Photoshop cs4 or cs3


    Gimp is all right if you dont want to pay obiviously and Paint shop pro is good too but i find it difficult to use


    My list goes like this


    2.Photoimpact( You can get a trial version)


    4.paint shop pro


    And i havent tryed Paint.Net

    Happy modding :)

  10. Yeah gotta agree Drewton i love you're skins


    Keep up what you're doing ;)

  11. Whats up buddy


    You doing ok ;)

  12. Hey


    Might wanna make a icon lol ;)

  13. oh lol


    Happy wishes

  14. Why wont u accept lol? :(

  15. You know you said you would do a final touch for kotor 1


    heres some hilts if you want some inspiration and need ideas


    Heres a one what could look good with a purple saber


    And heres one what could go with a red or yellow saber :D



    Hope all is well


    also merry christmas :D

  16. Thanks im gonna try it out


    Btw in you're final touch mod you should have made the clothing in the revans slot(then when going darkside the textures would still show up)

    i alway do it for my personal use :D


    Oh and thanks again

  17. HUh?


    Just edit it with gimp or paint shop pro(or pricy photoshop lol) :D

  18. Why not create a unique skin?

  19. If you want me to test it i will


    i have some spare time and wouldent mind doing it and posting screenshots

  20. Well no offence but you kinda said the same thing with the head by Iryni


    But i belive you lol:D

  21. I like to compliement people for the work they do even considiring the old thread's


    Dident know that though thanks for the head up :D

  22. Dont think i will use you're skin as you stole it from RedHawke lol


    Really though you shouldent lie about things like that :)

  23. So what do u use then?

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