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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Everything posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. thanks! Mird'ika made it for me

  2. thanks! Mird'ika made it for me

  3. thanks :D and if you want i can remove the black

  4. hehehe... i can't wait till they find a real alien...

    BTW Wanta wonka-rah dah?

  5. i see... did you see the alien yet?

  6. Achuta! Mi bosca de shag!

  7. actualy how DO you make the background transparent?

  8. i see you aren't using yours :p

  9. oooooh.... i like it! thanks!

  10. and here is YOUR Avvy. it's a bit more you... :D


  11. well.... i can't think of anything.. any ideas?

  12. umm.... like something mando'ad :xp:

  13. strange... i thought you were already on my friends list... oh well :xp: you are now

  14. well thanks yet again and good job :thmbup1:

  15. "0-o lol wut??"


    i usualy send welcome messages to new members. i never sent you one :p

  16. "Moved to Holowan.



    thanks. i was going to put it there but i saw it was more for modding games

  17. yeah, i'm not very good at getting the shade right :p thanks again. i rather like both of them

  18. thanks for the jango pic! the thread was closed so i just VMd you :thmbup1:

  19. hmm.... what do you mean by... "you"

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