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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Everything posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. changed your pics saber :D

    i'll show you when i get imageshack working again (it's weirded out rigt now :( can't post anything)

  2. *misses and hits himself*

    *scav laughs*

  3. oh yeah! his kickin days are over!!!

  4. paybck is paid back! got him with a jackhammer :D

  5. *takes out a jackhammer* :D

    hits payback in the family jewels

  6. hey man! don;t really know you but i missed your posts!

  7. did you see the video i sent you?

  8. rc-2212payback kicked me in ye 'ol family jewels :(

  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    missed :D

  10. yeah. why'd you show me a purple mand'alor prime?

  11. and why'd you show me the PURPLE prime?

  12. yeah i saw that




  13. my ahto thread wil give you something to laugh about

  14. take a look at my new ahto thread :D

  15. ah. didn't see the credits at the end. good job though!

  16. *kills pastramiX*

    he hasn't been doing it lately though :D

  17. did now. (the one about the tarrot cards?)

  18. what?!?!? now your stealing Mird'ika's avvy and changing the color?!?!?!?

    i have a feeling your doing this because of me!

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