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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Everything posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. hahah!!! found another one!

  2. i prefer the full body one for an avvy, but i saved it in my mado'ade album :thmbup1:

  3. i like it. it'll take me a while to get used to no black though

  4. when i take KotOR2 screenshots where d they appear?

  5. so do you think this looks better than before?

  6. because your a veteran. and if it makes you happy i'll use it :xp:

  7. haha. what's up with you and Ulmont giving people theur own avatars?

  8. thanks. i'm not suprised you get many

  9. hey man, why'd ya leave mah group?

  10. so have you seen some of the stuff on the Clone Wars Series Haters group. it's gunna turn into a revelution :xp:

  11. greetings person i am too important to meet in real life

  12. hahaha. you just can't beat that!

  13. in fact, thats almost as sweet as "BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" :lol:

  14. sent you an email about that mod you made

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