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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Everything posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. well mur'phon's pretty imature for a 19 year old. he says i'm on his ignore list (for no apparent reason) and claims that tons of my posts are spammy even though he can't see them when i'm on the list

  2. you know your pretty imature for a 19 year old

  3. yeah i thought i was leaving early... i'll be leaving soon though

  4. theres a name change thread in the feedback section. just tell them what name you want and they change it :D

  5. i gots a new name :sbdance GO STRONG BAD!!!!!

  6. yep.... and if i am correct, HIS post was the spammy one

  7. i think mur'phon just doesn't like me... i asked wich post was the spammy one 20 minutes ago and still no reply... and yes he HAS viewed his profile since then

  8. sorry but my volume is weirded out now :(

  9. V and if i was what post was it? V


    oh and this ISN'T a retorical question

  10. yeah... he's a real ball of fun

  11. i don't recall spamming...

  12. well i'm off to church now... fair bye

  13. but i recall my post count being 441 on my UP and then it dropped

  14. keep an eye on my post count... it keeps dropping :(

  15. <_< he will NEVER call me JEK!!!!

  16. Excuse me Rogue Nine, but i recall having 441 posts... now i only have 434. it's no big deal. I was just wondering about that.

  17. Excuse me Administraterror, but i recall having 441 posts... now i have 434.

  18. i gots a new name :sbdance: GO STRONG BAD!!!!

  19. hahhahaahh yep :p how do you think we can pull it off?

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