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Everything posted by Threepwood4life

  1. Aaron is already aware of this, but if anyone else has played Indiana Jones & the Infernal Machine on DREAMM especially the original v1.0 disc version of the game. This is running on latest DREAMM beta (2.1b8), and when you get to Level 10 (Olmec Valley), when you push the 2nd block to put on the pressure pad to reveal the 2nd bridge in the valley it always comes up with these 2 messages attached after the short cutscene of the block falling outside near the pressure pad (I have noticed the error occurs if you press any direction key to move Indy after cutscene ends, if you leave Indy alone its fine). We just need to find out if this issue occurs when playing the GOG version in case it was a bug that was fixed in v1.2 which GOG version has. Ive already tried to load a save from the previous level into the GOG version as suggested by Aaron to try and get a clean fresh start of Level 10 and recreate the error however it crashes on Level 9 and get a different error message below, when adding the last idol to lower the statue (fish idol in this case) so you can use the mirror to open the door, this error doesnt occur in the 1.0 version.
  2. Other than Monkey Island and Terminator ive seen Earl doing voices in other animated works, he was in the 3rd Naked Gun film and he had a great guest star appearance as the entity Negilum in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in the 2nd season episode "Where Science has Lease"
  3. Anyone thinking of getting this, its up for pre order; https://cotegamers.com/shop/en/accueil/147-LucasArtsChronicles.html https://adventuregamers.com/news/view/the-lucasarts-chronicles-a-video-game-history?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=adventure gamers
  4. Im glad i booked Tuesday off in advance, I had a feeling it would be early evening in the UK it would be released on Steam
  5. I can tell theyve got a new voice actor for Otis cause that definitley doesnt sound like S.Scott Bullock.Hope this is not going to be another Bosco fiasco over the voice style or the voice actor has done something they shouldnt have done
  6. Looks like IGN is doing a Monkey Island week it seems
  7. I was just thinking what time it would be released on Steam, as previously in the past with pre orders here in the UK they usually unlock them at around 6pm GMT. The last pre order on Steam i got was Sam & Max Season 2 Remastered last December and that was when it was unlocked. Ive booked the Tuesday off from work the day after release just in case
  8. Just realised that this week on Wednesday, January 19th 2022, itll be 20 years since we lost Roy Conrad who we all know for providing the voice of Ben in Full Throttle. Cant believe its been that long ago, what a great talent and just gave the perfect voice for Ben, may he rest in peace Also not only was he in Full Throttle but other LucasArts work, he played the role of Captain Merrick in Rebel Assault 2 and voiced in X-Wing vs Tie Fighter. Plus he was cast in 1 Sierra game as he appeared in the 1st mission of Police Quest: SWAT
  9. Im not sure if this is been mentioned before, i was browsing Unseen64 website and noticed an article about a cancelled Indiana Jones game, i thought at first it was the ps3/360 version of Staff of Kings but apparently its not. It looks like The Collective, who developed Emperors Tomb, were developing another game based mainly on the original trilogy and was scheduled to release in 2005 on PS2 and Xbox Theres a proof of concept trailer too; https://www.unseen64.net/2021/02/11/indiana-jones-trilogy-game-cancelled/ https://youtu.be/1EYJZIXqZ0M
  10. Hello There, Welcome to my profile check it out and don't forget to check out thedailygamepad.com where I write blogs on everything video games

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