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Everything posted by Trench

  1. Okay.

    How did you hear about Lighthouse? We are in Illinois.:confused:

  2. What state do you live in?

  3. On Sundays we have three services.

    On Wednesdays during the summer we have "Soul Patrol", where the adults go out and do random acts of kindness (free gasoline, gifts for the community) with the youth staying on the church grounds playing sports and whatnot.

    We also have Saturday morning prayer services.

    My personal favorite is on Mondays when the youth get to hang out and rehearse and practice for skits and dances.

  4. No problem.

    So what have you heard about it? (All good things I hope:D)

  5. Just so I know that we are thinking the same Lighthouse, who's the pastor?

  6. Seriously?

    Clarifying Query: Who's the pastor?

  7. Hmmm... Okay.

    I go to Lighthouse.

  8. Haar'chak! Um... I mean, no that is not what I am going to do...


  9. That's good to hear.

    You know you've got a lot of guts for starting a thread that asks peoples opinions of the origins of life.

    Things like that usually end up turning into a spam-and-flame-fest.

    I'm glad it didn't.:D

    By the way: What church do you go to? We seem to have a similar belief system.

  10. Greetings DarthSion399. How's it going?:D

  11. :xp: In that case, what am I going to do next?:p
  12. :lol: Am I that predictable?:p
  13. Hey Astor, in the Custom Commando thread, would we be able to post commando's even if they were not requested?

  14. Modding, voices and sound effects, video gaming, roller blading, working out, showing off, etc... :D

    Farming too, but that's more of a job than a hobby.

  15. Te: The.

    Mirdala: Intelligent/Intellectual.


    So a direct translation of my username would be: The Intelligent Mandalore.

    A proper translation would be: Mandalore the Intelligent.

    What can I say, I like Mando'a.:D


    What's up?

  16. You could model the tank and have a couple hovering in a hanger. And you could have some being driven in a cut scene if possible.

    That's some pretty sweet stuff, and it will add so much more quality to KotOR when included in the mod.:D

  17. Sweet!:D The Mandalorians in the game need to have come from somewhere right? And what better place than Manda'yaim:D

    I can't wait to see what your able to do with it.

  18. Same here:p How's it going?

  19. *Notices Chev's post count, and lack of a custom title*




    *Whacks Chev with Bob power*


    How about: Mand'alor the Bob?:D

  20. First off: His attitude is mild compared to that of most Sith Lords. When most would have considered a way to escape, he was contemplating the fashion choices of the Sith.

    Second: When he walked faster than the senate guards, he didn't berate them in his thoughts, he offered a logical explanation as to why he was faster.

    Third: Most Sith probably would have thought of hideous ways to make the Jedi council suffer, he observed each of their attitudes and moods.


    I like this guy. He is less like a stereotypical Sith Lord, and more like Revan. Yet at the same time remaining a unique character.

    I look forward to the next chapter

  21. Hmmm... A wonderfully shocking twist of events.:D

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