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Everything posted by Trench

  1. *Faints*


    :bow:What are the stats for the anti-armor attachment? (my personal favorite).

  2. I have one that can't handle RC at all, and one that runs it fine.

    The one that runs it fine is me dad's work laptop, he just lets me use it when I mod. Unfortunately the company he works for has some device installed that prevents me from running the UnrealEd.exe:(

  3. Kandosii ner'vod!:D I wish I could use the UnrealEditor.:(

  4. Fine.

    *Gets the next ten pages of the contract, as well as a magnifying glass to read the fine print*

  5. Sweet! Vode an eh?:D

  6. That was... extremely... odd.

  7. Something tells me I'd rather not, but... alright...

  8. Hey Chev, what is a "Numa Numa"?

  9. Well that's one way to finally get that mouse...

  10. Yeah, his motto is: Go green! Or else!

  11. Hey gamma097, what do you think of this:


  12. Sweet! I got tired of using the fierfek, and thematulaaklives cheats.

  13. \/What he said. Except about the Guild of Mand'alors RP.:xp:

  14. Hmmm... A super weapon mod for RC... If it beefs up my Commando I'm in!:D

  15. Okay, I'm signed in:D

  16. That's right! And if you sign up now you will receive...:D

  17. Oh... I'll check it out.:D

  18. All you have to do is :sign2:

  19. Are we talking about singing the song? Or is there a game or an RP I am unaware of?

  20. Pardon me Commander, but who is that in your avatar?

  21. Don't worry about it man.

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