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Kyr'am Galaar

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Everything posted by Kyr'am Galaar

  1. Hey, ner vod. Comm Page???

  2. Check your PMs and the ARC RP.

  3. I only have options for Normal and Announcement.

  4. Eh. I still don't see it. Is it announcement?

  5. It not working, tho.

  6. Have you made it so I can sticky?

  7. Cool. You gonna invite more peeps?

  8. Can you make it so that mods can sticky?

  9. I noticed. Did you get my friend request?

  10. I've joined yours. Will you be more active on mine???

  11. K. And I'm sending my profile for CM...

  12. Eh. Maybe I was doing something wrong. How do you feather?

  13. Kewl. When I find my CD and reinstall, that'll be the first thing to go in my override.

  14. Correct! You win ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!



    *Applause is heard*

  15. I know. Check out the Mah Artz thread. (BA)

  16. Hello, ad'ika. How are you?

  17. I haz Mirdala Mird'ika logo!

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